Do people still use Melanotan II


New member
Can you still get it if you live in the US? I heard its illegal. Most forums about melanotan were made around 2010. Why is this not popular anymore?
im not to sure about getting it in the us but i posted a thread not that long ago about it and it seems that everyone still loves it personally i cant stomach the sick feeling you get when injecting i rather kill the sunbeds
Can you still get it if you live in the US? I heard its illegal. Most forums about melanotan were made around 2010. Why is this not popular anymore?

Not sure what rock you been livign under but it is NOT "not popular" anymore. people are talking about it all the time on the forums... maybe not as much on forums that are only made for MT2. but bbing forums are talkign about it. I am using it now. and will rise amount im using in spring.
MT2 is AMAZING for tan and extra protection. I use RUI's MT2 in spring mostly to build up a tan and better protect myself before summer hits.
LOVE the stuff.

MT2 has never been approved for human use and has always been illegal for that use.... research use is another story.. but they are working on making it for human use (big pharma)..
if you dose 0.5mg-0.2mg (500mcg-200mcg) at a time the nauseous feeling shouldn't be an issue, its not for me. more than half a mg then i have a bit of issue.
I love and rec the stuff.
1-2months 0.5mg 3-4x a week with 1-2 10min tans then drop to 0.5mg 1-2x a week for a few, then drop to 0.2-0.5mg every 2-3 weeks to maintain. but it depends on your skin type. but me something like the above works well for me.
I live in Florida, do you know where I could get it? Also, would you not recommend this for a teen?

O would not rec it to anyone under 19. Just dont think the maturity is there. I hope you are over 18, we have an age policy here.

There is many places that sell MT2 and ship to USA, heck half of them are in USA,,,.
Keep researching and in future when ready you will find it.
How does using MT2 protect your skin, I assume you mean from skin cancer by building up a tan when a tan is basically skin cells that are in trauma ?
How does using MT2 protect your skin, I assume you mean from skin cancer by building up a tan when a tan is basically skin cells that are in trauma ?

"Tan" is your bodies own way of protecting UV rays.... a "TAN" is NOT " basically skin cells that are in trauma " but yes tanning can cause trauma.. its the amount and your genetics that make it good or bad in relation to how often you are in the sun.
being in the sun is not BAD, being in the sun to often is... specially if you are very pale. That is were MT2 come in. you need minimal UV exposure to build up a tan and this build up will help protect you when you are out day to day...

just because someone has a tan does not mean its due to sun damage. some people genetically tan quicker or have a tan from early chilehood, while other pale people that tan alot to get a tan (or try to) are of course likely to have excessive damage due to the tanning and there gene not set up to produce a "tan" easily, even there MT2 would help minimize that.
Yeah ok I get ya. Were preached to by Government ads in Australia that a tan is unhealthy. I should have done some research actually before asking that question. Its all there on the net. Tell me, do MT2 users that are fair skinned freckle ? As I understand it freckling can't really be avoided because a person that tends to freckle has more Melanin in random areas of their skin than others areas. The subject gets some sun, their skin just produces Melanin as required and those areas with more Melanin show up and are what we call freckles.
I understand that u need a bit of sun when u administer it..
Is it wise to start MT2 it in winter? I guess that might be useless right?
Yeah ok I get ya. Were preached to by Government ads in Australia that a tan is unhealthy. I should have done some research actually before asking that question. Its all there on the net. Tell me, do MT2 users that are fair skinned freckle ? As I understand it freckling can't really be avoided because a person that tends to freckle has more Melanin in random areas of their skin than others areas. The subject gets some sun, their skin just produces Melanin as required and those areas with more Melanin show up and are what we call freckles.
in OZ you guys got that sun damage alot quicker it seems, i dont blame the gov for trying and i do agree to SOME degree.
You are right about skin type. some people that freckle alot and DONT tan well will not be helped as much with MT2, if you have soem freckles but do tan somewhat then you will still get the help of MT2 but yes yoru spots will get darker and some that were not noticed before may also show up more.
You really need to know your skin type before using it. worst skin type ( IMO) is "ginger" .. very pale and with freckles and NO tan.. i would take ti very slow if that is your type. but some have good results still. depends on genetics.
I understand that u need a bit of sun when u administer it..
Is it wise to start MT2 it in winter? I guess that might be useless right?

Some UV exposure is a good idea while on MT2 to build up tan. even just 2 6-8min tans in a tan bed. not pointless, but more effective if you tan atleast 2 times a month while on it durinf winter. I mostly use it in spring because I know ill be out in sun soon so to me it makes sense. I live in canada.. LONg DARK winters.... sux
Some UV exposure is a good idea while on MT2 to build up tan. even just 2 6-8min tans in a tan bed. not pointless, but more effective if you tan atleast 2 times a month while on it durinf winter. I mostly use it in spring because I know ill be out in sun soon so to me it makes sense. I live in canada.. LONg DARK winters.... sux

Thnx buddy..
I gotta do my homework on how to administer.
Jimi posted that you have a thread explaining your experience with it..
Do u have a link for this brother?
I'm currently having bloods drawn a lot due to starting TRT... I was just wondering if MT2 would show up on these blood test results, or have any affect on Test, E2 etc etc?