Do you guys do cardio on rest days or weight training days?


New member
Right now I do 4 weight training sessions a week, as well as 3 cardio sessions. If I do my cardio on "rest days" thats 7 days of physical exercise. Should I do cardio on the same day as weight training and have proper rest days with no physical activities besides walking etc?
Cutting, bulking, maintenance..?

I loathe cardio after doing it twice a day for a couple years and saw better results when I cut it out and just changed diet with resistance training. Of course, cardio does have its place, but unless you're pushing for sub ten percent body fat, you can make better use of those calories imo.

My .02c :)
I do a one hour jogging session every week. I do it on rest days. If I do it before my workout, I will be tired, if after, I wont be able to run as fast/long.
I prefer a one hour cardio sessios than 2-3 20' ones.

I mostly do it to help me get used to the "new" weight. If I dont, my heart rate will go wild even after taking the stairs.