Waiting to die.
I don't crave it anymore.
Yea right, that's what every addict says.

I don't crave it anymore.
ummm, no comment here. Not an ology sponsor, I'll leave it at that.
Pice of shite!
That chew bottle is nasty bud.
I had one guy at work who used to spit his chew into an open top styrofoam cup.
He'd carry it everywhere with him.
It would get so full it would spill all over everything as he was walking.
We have a company truck here, he took his chew cup for rides with him.
That guy covered the entire inside of the truck with nasty chew spit.
He retired years ago without ever cleaning any of it up.
It's been a couple of years since he retired but it's still in all of the dash controls, all over the floor and seats.
I hate getting into that damned thing in after it's been baking out in the sun with the windows up.
I don't want to throw rocks at the hornets nest in the forum, you know how to get ahold of me.
Yea right, that's what every addict says.![]()
We'll discuss it AFTER you've used the product. I'm pretty set with using pinn this time.
I think it's the way I was taught from the beginning. It was always emphasized that you wore a belt ONLY for heavy lifts as form should take care of the rest. It's kind of strange; I went from a PL mindset to a BB mindset with great difficulty, and now have trouble viewing things in the same light that I used to.The arch is just a way to exploit your mechanical leverages, isn't that the name of the game for any proper form?
Do you feel the same way about equipped lifting, knee wraps, suits and shirts?
I wear my belt when doing everything, it may not be engaged but it's on.
To each their own.
I'll be exploring a blast here pretty soon.
I just refilled my script and was planning on using the rest of my sauce in one go to empty the bottle.
It's only about 1mL maaaybe a little bit more so it's not a huge dose by any means but it's still at least 4x more than what I normally take in one go.
They're still both arching lol. One just happens to have a form to it, while the other is just flat-out messing up form. I do agree, bridging is a recognized technique used - it just seems dirty haha. I keep thinking of that little girl that was benching 240 at 13 years old or w/e. That was an insane bridge, which we both know is the ONLY way she got that up as it turns it into a decline press more or less.There's a difference between arching your back and bridging your back. The former is fine the latter is not
Was thinking that myself, just wasn't sure and didn't want to sound stupid
You're calling a series of cells and asking Excel to determine if they equal 1. Do you mean if the sum of those cells equals one to then look at the next series of cells and if below 2000, then to input "0", but you're calling for a cell with a row of 5000. Do you mean IF(SUM($C$11:$C$5001)="1", THEN(SUM($G$11:$G$5000)IF<"2000", $I:$11:$I$5000 = "0")) Something like that? I don't think you need the dollar signs by the columns either, but my macros are a bit rusty for Excel.Fucking array functions in excel are pissing me off.
For some reason it keeps referencing the top cell in a range of cells, there is nothing that I can see in the formula that would do this:
=IF($C$11:$C5001=1, SUMIF($G$11:$G$5000,"<2000", $I$11:$I$5000), "0")
I think it's the way I was taught from the beginning. It was always emphasized that you wore a belt ONLY for heavy lifts as form should take care of the rest. It's kind of strange; I went from a PL mindset to a BB mindset with great difficulty, and now have trouble viewing things in the same light that I used to.
If you're going to blast, do it right - you'll want to run it for a good 12 weeks so your body has plenty of time to adjust. Just tossing in an extra bit won't really do THAT much for you imo. What's your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose by the way? 50mg x2/wk? That at least put you around 750ng/dL? I'm sure I've seen your bloods, but I can never remember.
I intended no offense btw, I totally agree that we each do things our own way. I just have a habit of voicing my opinions a little louder than I should sometimes.![]()
You're calling a series of cells and asking Excel to determine if they equal 1. Do you mean if the sum of those cells equals one to then look at the next series of cells and if below 2000, then to input "0", but you're calling for a cell with a row of 5000. Do you mean IF(SUM($C$11:$C$5001)="1", THEN(SUM($G$11:$G$5000)IF<"2000", $I:$11:$I$5000 = "0")) Something like that? I don't think you need the dollar signs by the columns either, but my macros are a bit rusty for Excel.![]()
Ohhh yeah, you're going to see a HUGE drop I'm betting on that blood test next time. Having someone get a peak reading when they're doing E14D is just mean. You're going to have a HYOOOOOOOGE peak, but an equally abysmal trough. I bet you're feeling better at E3.5D, but I'm about 99% sure you're going to need to increase that dose due to your size. I haven't seen too many guys over 6' that don't need 200mg/wk. Your doctors make me want to punch a kitten.No offence taken, that's the beauty part of our group here, we all know enough about training to know there's very few absolutes.
You're correct on my dosing, 50mg e3.5d, I don't have recent bloods to know where me levels are at.
My dosing was adjusted in August and I wanted to give it a month or two to stabilize.
However, when I was doing 200mg e2w (same total dose) my peak levels were 1100 3 days after the injection.
Ahhhhhhhh, okay - that explains it. Yeah, the problem is that I get confused sometimes between C+/Verilog/BASIC/and whatever the hell M$ calls their code now a days.The =1 portion is a machine label meaning that if the cell = 1 then look at the next range of data.
If the first cell = 1, and the second cell range value is between 2000 and 5000, add up the values in the third column. We have multiple machines so each lines has a different value the formula is looking for.
I actually got it working:
In this case I wanted the dollar signs because it makes the cells an absolute reference.
When I extended the coding I didn't want any of the cell ranges to change on me.
The reason for the 2000-5000 range is because of our time-tickets.
All of the events on our machines have specific coding that corresponds with a description.
What I'm doing is trying to automate this report as much as I can to make life a little easier.
This way I can dump all of the raw data from our system and this report categorizes and sums it.
I WISH excel would deal with a standard multi-line IF/Then statement instead of this nested coding BS.
Ohhh yeah, you're going to see a HUGE drop I'm betting on that blood test next time. Having someone get a peak reading when they're doing E14D is just mean. You're going to have a HYOOOOOOOGE peak, but an equally abysmal trough. I bet you're feeling better at E3.5D, but I'm about 99% sure you're going to need to increase that dose due to your size. I haven't seen too many guys over 6' that don't need 200mg/wk.
Your doctors make me want to punch a kitten.![]()
I DID feel better on e3.5d for a couple of weeks but now I feel like dog crap constantly.
You're right about the trough, 1100 down to 200 every 2 weeks while on 200mg E14D.
I'd bet you're right about the current dosing too, I swear I can feel my levels being low.
You're telling me. :/
I really hate the wait and see attitude I get from these guys but believe me, I do have a plan.
The plan is to play ball and suffer through it in the beginning, after I'm happy with my t-levels and how I'm feeling, the doc will become a necessary evil needed to continue receiving my prescription.
Not gonna lie, if I had the cash - I'd so be on an IMT program. Deca/Test/HGH??? YES PLEASE!![]()
Yeah, I priced out a few longevity clinics in town too, some wanted FOUR DIGITS a month for their protocols! WTF. I'd stay there for now, you're likely going to see much smaller numbers on your blood test, but that's a good thing. It will allow you to bump up your dose to where you really truly need it. Besides, I bet you don't even need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now at that dose/frequency.You and me both brother.
While not IMT, I have a longevity/anti-aging clinic the next town over.
After calling around to several places including that one, I don't think I could afford to even use their restroom :/
For the time being I can't adjust the total dose, do you suggest I deviate from my 50mg e3.5d regimen?
LOL. I want to fall asleep, but I have to make that 45 minute drive to campus now.I fell asleep in my chair. Good thing no one was here.
LOL. I want to fall asleep, but I have to make that 45 minute drive to campus now.![]()