Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I don't even bother to read much in the regular AAS section anymore.
What's the point of dredging up all this old information, few are interested in commenting in a thread that's 10 years old.
If anything, it driving stagnation.
I think it's kind of sad that the OP's of those threads had to wait almost ten years to get the help they needed
This shit with the necros is really starting to piss me off. It's getting to the point after reading how you were threatened with a ban for telling folks not to necro like that, where I'm looking at posting elsewhere for awhile. It's really stupid to have folks intentionally doing that because it makes you feel happy about stuff from 10 years ago. :mad:

It's essentially saying that posters from a decade ago matter more. Which I find disrespectul.

Remind me later tonight to pm you the PM I got about that lol. I've said it before, if there was substance to a 10yr bump what the hell, go for it. But to bump it with comments like we've been seeing is annoying bc it moves the newer threads (the ones where people actually need the help) to the bottom and for me, if I don't see it in the first page generally, I'm not looking deeper to respond to old threads lol. So far I'm the only one who got the warning, maybe you guys can carry on my legacy :D
I don't have it. I remember seeing it on my FB feed a while back. It was intense, I couldn't watch the whole thing.

Watched 12minutes of it last night and finished the rest this morning. Those cartel mofo's are no joke, reminds me of shit I've seen in the Middle East.
I don't even bother to read much in the regular AAS section anymore.
What's the point of dredging up all this old information, few are interested in commenting in a thread that's 10 years old.
If anything, it driving stagnation.

Agree, my thoughts exactly <3
I don't even bother to read much in the regular AAS section anymore.
What's the point of dredging up all this old information, few are interested in commenting in a thread that's 10 years old.
If anything, it driving stagnation.

Same. Any question I have get's answered here or through PM. I've said many times, the only opinions I really value are those of people who have posted in these threads. Although there are some other knowledgeable people on this site for sure, so not meant to discredit them.
Watched 12minutes of it last night and finished the rest this morning. Those cartel mofo's are no joke, reminds me of shit I've seen in the Middle East.

Oh. The one I saw was only like 5 mins. The dude has his chick down on her knees, says some shit in spanish and starts cutting her head off with a little knife. Doesn't hack it off, like saws it off. I thought it was fake at first but then she's like bleeding and dying and shit... so I turned it off. Apparently she cheated on him though, so bitch had it coming (damn that's fucked up).
I started it by posting that Halfwit is an undercover mod. Everyone knows Doc is in the Gulf Cartel and not a mod.
It can't, it's how the world is.
To turn a blind eye shows ignorance.
This is the world we live in, may as well see both sides of the coin for what it is.

You're right, I guess I'm just saying it doesn't bother me likeit does others. It's insane that we're the the only species that goes after each other like that but I've seen worse than those videos in person.