Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

that's ok I wasn't too into Spanish chicks anyways I like me them punks!!!

I'm a dirty old man, I like them in all colors and ethnic persuasions. ;) Hell, there's this nerdy little thing that sits behind me in multi-variable calculus that I'd love to awaken sexually. She's always trying to talk to me about math/physics, but I'd LOVE to show her some integrations of my own. :spin:

Disclaimer: Of course this is hypothetical as I am a happily married man, but I'm married; not dead... :D
That's her in the MHP/Universal "Rage in the cage" expo's isn't it?
I tried looking her up just with a google search because if I remember right, she's a badass bench presser to no avail.
She is sponsored by MHP though.
MHP | The Team | Setting New Standards In Sports Nutrition! | Page 2

Looks like it could be. She's an IFBB pro too, and recently won the physique competition this year. I don't know about her being a monster on the bench, but she definitely hits everything hard!
Minna Pajulahti

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Man, this is killing me. I keep spamming my inbox hoping my lab results are in...but they aren't yet! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. :worried:

Holy crap, that may not seem like a lot - but no way could I do even half that I don't think. I know I can do 225 for 31 reps, and half my body weight would be 169lbs, but I can't see doing more than say 60 reps before I become fatigued. Crazy!