Poop Mouth
Grr, people on my Jeep site don't want to help me fix the Wrangler... asses....
What's wrong with it?
Grr, people on my Jeep site don't want to help me fix the Wrangler... asses....
Grr, people on my Jeep site don't want to help me fix the Wrangler... asses....
What's wrong with it?
The driver
And it's leaking blinker fluid
Anyone know where to get some cheap muffler bearings?
Right here bud, they also have your blinker fluid and cross drilled brake lines.
Muffler Bearing - $33.95 : KaleCoAuto.com, Your home for the rare, unusual, and hard to find auto parts.
Heres the Jeep problem, it's an intermittent misfire and running rough on cold starts.
On a cold start it takes a second to fire and usually it's not pretty.
When it finally does fire it runs like complete dog crap, you can hear and see a chug chug chug going on with the engine.
Every, single, time if I give it about 10 seconds it settles out completely and runs fine.
That's one symptom.
The other is my intermittent misfire.
4 weeks ago when I went to start it it threw a misfire code for cyl 1
*note* it ALWAYS does the above when it cold starts.
I cleared the code
2 weeks ago it came back, misfire cyl 1
I let it be
Last night on the way home, the misfire code cleared itself.
The plugs in this thing are brand new with less than 100 miles on them.
The vehicle had these symptoms before and after swapping plugs.
Any ideas of where to start?
If the code just pops up randomly and clears itself, sounds like it could be a bad signal?
Not when the symptoms are there. It always throws the code just after cold starting where it does that chug chug chug bull.
But yes, it does pop up and disappear all on it's own.
Well, it has this one time just this week anyway.
If the code just pops up randomly and clears itself, sounds like it could be a bad signal?
When my car overboosts in the winter time bc of the cold temps, it'll throw a CEL light, lock out cruise control, and retard timing for a while. After a day or two the code resets itself, I get cruise control back, and it advances timing back to what it was. Or I could clear it with the scanner immediately lol
Or by grounding the battery
Luckily my Wrangler doesn't have a "limp" mode like your car seems to have.
The CEL is more of an annoyance than anything, the 4.0L in these things will run just about forever.
No need to catch up, full stem ahead with the shenanigans!I'm never going to get caught up on this thread