Doc prescribing adderall. Effects on gaining/keeping muscle?


New member
For people who take it for add and how it's prescribed, is it a lot harder getting your calories in? Does your body get used to it after a while and you regain your appetite? If I keep cals up will it not eat muscle?
I never been prescribed it but have tryed it, when I tryed it , it was always just to try I did notice dry mouth , heart rate increase, and some appetite suppression. I know a doctor and he said it supposed to take time to work , he was on it one point and he's not a thin man at all, so I'll probably build up and you will eat normal I'd imagine after it kicks in
You will get used to it, but you will lose your appetite for awhile and some sleep. So, expect to lose a little weight initially and some strength. As long as it doesn't take forever to get the correct dose to treat your symptoms(slowly raising it again and again) then it won't take long for your appetite to stabilize. Just don't abuse it. I notice I tend to not drink enough water on it too. I just forget to. Carry a jug with you at all times and take in even more than you should already, which sucks because the bros on here should be taking in a lot as it is, but it's necessary. Don't sweat it and try to supplement with shakes until you can eat more normally. It's better than nothing. It also lowers your gh production. Just something to keep in mind
IMO if your serious about BB, Adderall is a huge negative. There are 3 parts to this training, eating, and sleeping. Good luck with 2/3 of that while your taking it, I guess if you don't abuse it would only have a small negative impact but its very addictive to me so not abusing it is very difficult
Definitely lose your hunger for a lot of things. Your lose weight. Hands will always feel cold. I could never gain when I was on it. It's just like meth
Love that stuff for finals week haha. Other than that it is detrimental to any bodybuilding goals. If you were to play a contact sport and take one of those before hand it might turn out pretty interesting hahah