Doctor gave me a present today! Questions though...


New member
Hey everyone,

So long story short, got labs drawn for suspected low testosterone and was told that my levels were low but in normal range. So I decided to try over the counter and bought Beast SuperTest. Been taking it for a couple of weeks now and haven't noticed much of a difference. A little more energy in the gym, 1 or 2 more reps then usual, or doesn't feel as heavy as last time kinda thing... Well I found out yesterday where to view my test results... My total testosterone was a 271... Looked it up and saw that was pretty bad and explained slugginsh, weak, blah feeling I had been experience for quite sometime...

So I called and complained to my doctor that while in normal range it doesn't feel normal.. I got notified today that he wrote me a script for Depo-testosterone Cypionate... Dosage is 200mg every 14 days... Not looking to get huge off of this by any means but hoping to feel better, look better, and improve relations with the wife especially if you know what I mean... Overall better feeling and looking..

Been dieting for a few months and have dropped a little over 20lbs thus far but a couple years ago I could drop weight easy... Now I'm such an endomorph it's ridiculous... It's like pulling teeth to drop this weight off... I wouldn't say I'm a gym rat by any means but I hit the weights and in my opinion I hit them hard... I'm 5'8" tall and about 230lbs presently... Not sure what my BF is but I'm sure it's not good... I was big into working out at the gym but a couple of years ago was in a car accident and tore my right labram in three places and had surgery and rehab after then got lazy and gained weight... About 50 to 60lbs... So just trying to get back where I was at this point...

So my questions,

What to expect from taking these injections?
Should I / can I keep taking the SuperTest along with this? (Hate to waste the money I spent)
What are some signs of some negative sides I could experience at this dose?
Anything else I should know or could possibly take or do to enhance the effects?

Any responses are greatly appreciated.. This is all new territory for me... Thanks...
What to expect from taking these injections?
Should I / can I keep taking the SuperTest along with this? (Hate to waste the money I spent)
What are some signs of some negative sides I could experience at this dose?
Anything else I should know or could possibly take or do to enhance the effects?

Any responses are greatly appreciated.. This is all new territory for me... Thanks...

1. Hard to say what you'll experience. As they say, everyone is different. What I've noticed on 100mg/wk injected twice weekly was more consistent mood, more consistent strength, greater stength and stamina. I still have a ways to go before I can say I've "dialed in" my TRT. I still think I'm in the low range but it takes time to see adjustments.

2. OTC test boosters like SuperTest generally don't do much. Especially if your natural produciton is already low. If it were high, you may squeak another couple ng/dl out with OTC supps like that but the % is so small at low levels it's not worth the money. Especially when you're already on TRT. Sounds like you've been experiencing the placebo effect.

3. Sides should be minimal. Some water retention, maybe some sensitive/puffy nips but you gotta remember, you're not really "on" AAS with that dose. 200mg/e2w is just trying to get you back into "normal" range. Men with test in the normal to high range don't get noticeable sides with their natural production.

4. An Aromatase Inhibitor will be a nice addition to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) regimen. Do a search on here for optimal dosing. YOu can get the stuff through many online retailers as it's not illegal to purchase/posses in the states. I do suggest that you get your test dosing and frequency straightened away though. The peaks and troughs you'll go through @ 200mg/e3w will make it very difficult to manage estrogen conversion with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). With AI's you base your dose on blood work since the goal is to reduce the aromatasation of test to estrogen. With your levels all over the place, who knows how much it'll take to accomplish that task without making it worse. Yes you can make yourself feel worst on high doses of AI's. Your body needs estrogen to work well, but not as much as some people have. Read up on it, there's a ton of info available.

I suggest you take it slow and get frequent blood work while "dialing in" your TRT. Read up on AI's like liquidex to understand what it does and how much you need. It takes time and a lot of effort to get testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) right, most doc's don't know what the hell they're doing. Read, read, read and learn as much as you can. This is your health and quality of life you're playing with. It's best to go into it informed.
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Congrats on getting the care you need. Once you get the dose and schedule dialed in, you will feel much better in every way - in an out of the gym.

But I suspect you will not be happy or will maximize the potential of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 200mg of cyp @ 2 weeks. I say that because I was on that exact dose when I first started down this path in January. I did get a big boost from the shots, as you might expect when your body is starved for testosterone. But all that did was to set up a rollercoaster of hormone imbalance and all the unpleasantness that goes along with that.

Figure the half life of cyp to be about 5 days. So 5 days after your injection, half the dose will be absorbed. And 5 days after that, only 1/4 will be left. And on your next dose day, you have virtually nothing left. And you will feel that.

So I went from 200mg every 14 days to every 10 days. Better, but still not right. Then to 150mg every week. That has worked real well for me. Others will suggest injections every 3.5 days. I might do that as well, but my doc will not permit me to self-inject, so I have to go to his office every week, and I have no interest in doubling that.

I am a pretty serious gym rat. Am 57 and have been working out for more than 30 years - every day after work. When my T levels hit the skids so did my workouts. For the first time in my life I dreaded going to the gym because my workout out had turned from exercise to an exercise in futility. I could not build any mass, or even keep what I had. I developed a gut - at 165 lbs - which I had never had in my life - and even as I was losing weight. It was only habit that kept me going to the gym. And let me say that things were not so great below the belt either.

After my very first injection, I hit the gym with a vengeance. Call it physiologic, call it placebo effect, call it what you want. But since January, I have lost the gut (and nearly all the "love handles") put on about 12 lbs of quality weight, cut my body fat, increased my mass and definition, shattered my previous lifting limits and turned around my life. And this is on 150mg pw with none of the nasty side effects that you can count on if you are cycling higher doses (400mg+ pw). No need for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds. No Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (though "the boys" have atrophied a bit - you may expect that too). And when the lights go out at home....rock and roll.

T is not a spectator sport. If you do not take advantage of the physiologic changes it can trigger, you will miss the best part of having a normal or modestly elevated level again. But even at a relatively low dose, you can really make it happen if you commit yourself to the process. And the more you do, the more you will want to. How cool is that.
Best of luck.
Wow, I never realized there was going to be so much to this...

I like the idea of weekly injections.. My doctor gave me the ok to inject at home and my wife is a nurse and will administer them for me.. She rather enjoys it really...

I don't really want to increase my dosage without my doctors approval but would going 100mg every week rather than 200mg every 2weeks be a better way to go?

Thanks for the response guys, I really appreciate it...
I don't really want to increase my dosage without my doctors approval but would going 100mg every week rather than 200mg every 2weeks be a better way to go?

Yep, there is a lot of stuff that goes into managing hormones. You could read for days on the entire endocrine system.

Good thought, you shouldn't increase dosage on your own until you know what the 200mg you're taking now is going to do for you.

Every week is a better option than every other for sure.
Injecting twice weekly is even better than that though.