Does anyone have experience switching from Adex to Letro.


Pale Gorilla
I am rounding up my pct gear and estrogen control for my next cycle which will start in a little over 3 months. This cycle I used only test e at 600 mg a week. I controlled my estro by using .5 mg of adex ed. This amount got me barely within the highest end of the range. For my next cycle I was going to run:

800 mg test e wks 1-16
600 mg npp wks 1-15
hcg 750 iu wks 10-16
adex .75 ed wks 1-18, want to try letro
Nolva clomid pct same as this run 2 weeks after last pin.

I want to try letro because the amount of adex I am using is very expensive (pharma grad AI's only) and it is still not fully controlling my estrogen. I know that letro is a harsh drug, but hopefully someone who has made the switch from adex can chime in. I also am debating on which compound to keep on hand for prolactin sides.
I and a few others here use letro, but you're going to have to find the proper dose the hard way. I recommend prami before bed with a meal for prolactin issues if they pop up. 0.25mg ED is a good starting point for the prami, and while I'm hesitant to give a starting dose for the letro - I personally would start around 0.5mg 2x a week with the letro.

Please be sure to take small steps with the letrozole, it can crash you pretty quickly if you go too high.

My .02c :)
U don't need to run hcg that high. 250 iu's twice a week from beginning of cycle up to a couple days before pct. Letro ain't fun to try honestly. I used it and switched to Aromasin.
I and a few others here use letro, but you're going to have to find the proper dose the hard way. I recommend prami before bed with a meal for prolactin issues if they pop up. 0.25mg ED is a good starting point for the prami, and while I'm hesitant to give a starting dose for the letro - I personally would start around 0.5mg 2x a week with the letro.

Please be sure to take small steps with the letrozole, it can crash you pretty quickly if you go too high.

My .02c :)

Thank you. I will try to start it even lower than what you stated. I don't want to crash my e2 but I know that this high estrogen is no good either. I will be extra careful with it, and hopefully I can find my sweet spot and not have to down a 1mg ed of adex to control things on this next cycle.
U don't need to run hcg that high. 250 iu's twice a week from beginning of cycle up to a couple days before pct. Letro ain't fun to try honestly. I used it and switched to Aromasin.

You run it throughout? Hmm I'll research it and give it a go next cycle if I like what I read. I guess I'll see if I can handle the letro first hand. Worst case scenario I crash my e2 and learn the hard way.