Does anyone know a weight loss strategy???


New member
Hi, I am 23 years old and have been gaining on pounds and this is getting to me. The thing is that after several efforts of exercise and dieting, I don’t seem to get any slimmer! There are many ways to lose weight, but I have exhausted all the ways I know. I have consulted a few people but all of them have been telling me the same thing. It isn’t helping me and only making my fears worse.

Is there some way to make me feel better!!!
go to doc and tell him u want a thyroid test done because u think there might be somthing wrong with it.
if its not that your diet and workout isnt right spesh your diet. dont eat tomany carbs liek bread and crap like that stay under 200grams a day of carbs . dotn eat alot of food AND NO CARBS LIEK BREAD 4 hrs befor u go to sleep"if you rilly hungry have some small snak like penuts a yogert small protien drink a fruit" but nothing to much of.

and if your around 5 9 tall then u should stay below 3500 cals a day if your trying loos weagh even lower like 2500-300cals a day.
just soem tips hope u figure it out.

and for supps i liek alot of green tea 2-5 strong cups a day .
and healthy fats like fish oil or olive oil .. dont look at fats in food "unless its trans fat thats vary bad" fuk the fats more fat good... its the amount of calories and carbs that will fuk u up.

how much pounds are you?? wuts your typical daliy diet and work out rutien??? and BE HONIST.

if its your thyroid u can get meds for that from doc. my mom takes them her thyroid is messed up
and if your around 5 9 tall then u should stay below 3500 cals a day if your trying loos weagh even lower like 2500-300cals a day.
just soem tips hope u figure it out.

3500 is alot of food and calories espicially for a quite short guy unless hes really muscular.

dont look at fats in food "unless its trans fat thats vary bad" fuk the fats more fat good... its the amount of calories and carbs that will fuk u up.

no more fat is not always better! and carbs will not fuck you up! overeating is what gets him fat not carbs. off course he cannot ea endless amounts of carbs your statement is really wrong.

and bread is not crap it is food and a always there are different qualities of bread.

look a little lower on this forum just to days there were dished out some great wheightloss advice.
3500 is alot of food and calories espicially for a quite short guy unless hes really muscular.

no more fat is not always better! and carbs will not fuck you up! overeating is what gets him fat not carbs. off course he cannot ea endless amounts of carbs your statement is really wrong.

and bread is not crap it is food and a always there are different qualities of bread.

look a little lower on this forum just to days there were dished out some great wheightloss advice.

i love bread if your trying loos lbs then carbs are bad yes u need sum but your cal's should be from protien and vegie's and good fat and only a lil bit from carbs. your body uses carbs for energy before your bodys fat and if u always have a bunch of carbs int here its hard to burn fat. wut i say is tru and ofcourse calories "over eating" will get u fat even if its just good fats and protien duhhhh . i stated calories and carbs will fuk u and they will if trying loos fat.

wuts your stats??
i love bread if your trying loos lbs then carbs are bad yes u need sum but your cal's should be from protien and vegie's and good fat and only a lil bit from carbs. your body uses carbs for energy before your bodys fat and if u always have a bunch of carbs int here its hard to burn fat. wut i say is tru and ofcourse calories "over eating" will get u fat even if its just good fats and protien duhhhh . i stated calories and carbs will fuk u and they will if trying loos fat.

wuts your stats??

you dont have to be carb depleated to lose fat you just have to eat less then you expend.

my stats are im damn good at what i do.
Found this in the back of the vault

The Truth about How to Really Lose Bodyfat

A famous adult film producer once said, that body fat looks bad on both men and women. So bad, the advertising and entertainment industries avoid even covering people with excess bodyfat. A bad body speaks for you without you even saying a word. It says, " I am too lazy to exercise, my life a boring one of inactivity, I possess inferior genetics and I have so many issue's disturbing me I rely on food because it's my only source of control and pleasure, I'm such a jolly person I won't take offense if you mock me. " Whatever you do, or wherever you go, extra body fat will cause people to judge you and treat you differently. There's a reason as to why weight is such an insecurity on people, and untill you take control of your body, your life will be one of compromise.

1) Differentiate between fat and lean mass: You want to lose fat and only fat. In the process you want to keep on as much muscle as possible, if anything you want to try to put on a few pounds of muscle. A scale doesn't know the difference, and it will only deceive you. So don't use a scale, as it will mess your mind.

2) Don't compare your body against others:, and don't envy those with better genetics. Genetics are the result of hard work. Good genetics is a sign that their ancestors were very selective about who they put out to. That hard work and dedication passed itself on to the next generation.

3) Set realistic goals: Don't set your goal to lose weight, set your goal to get healthier. Instead of striving to lose twenty pounds, strive to run a five minute mile, and in the process of getting there, your dream body will creep up behind you from out of nowhere.

You have a four avenues of choice in implementing your plan, choose wisely: 1) Exercise 2) Eat Better 3) Take Drugs

Torture yourself on the aerobics: Aerobics aren't supposed to be fun. They are supposed to be painful. You should dread having to do them. The only pleasure you should get out of them is finishing them. Ideally your heart should be pounding, you should be covered in sweat, you should be out of breath, your legs should be sore, and your throat should feel like it's on fire ( that's a sign that your thyroid gland is being stimulated, and your metabolism is about to increase ). If you can't get all those feelings together, then it means you're lazy, not pushing yourself hard enough, and not deserving of the body you desire. For the sake of getting in shape and raising your metabolism, it's better to put out ten intense minutes of hell running up a steep hill then an hour of leisure time behind a stair master. Quality, not quantity is the key. Don't make any excuses about yourself either. Olympic and professional wrestling legend Kurt Angle, even with a heart condition managed to win gold medals in Atlanta, he would train by doing wind sprints up a hill while carrying his trainer over his shoulders!

Wake up early: If you go running first thing in the morning you'll be more likely to burn off pure fat. Usually one doesn't burn fat untill after they deplete their carbohydrate supply. When you go for a run first thing in the morning, glycogen levels are low, there's no carbohydrates in the digestive tract, and the bodies hormones are at the state where they are ready to burn away fat.

Hit the weights: Lifting weights and doing aerobics together have a synergetic effect of burning more calories then doing the two individually.Muscle makes body fat tighter and more beautiful. Extra muscle has the added benefit of increasing the metabolism.Ten pounds of muscle can burn 500 - 1000 extra calories a day ! That's exactly why those who are healthy can usually eat whatever they want with impunity. If you rough out a diet for a few months, you can get to that level, and stay at that level for the rest of your life. Increasing your strength will not ruin your endurance or physical fitness. A perfect example is Canadian hero, Rick Hanson ( for those that don't know, in 1986 he wheel chaired thousands of miles around the world, and raised millions and millions of dollars for spinal research ). Rick had the fitness, and the stamina to push his wheel chair down the road as fast as a bike, for ten hours a day. At the same time he was bench pressing about 400 lbs!

Stretch: Hang on a bar and do chin ups. If you can't do chinups, then do leg lifts untill your grip is stron enough to do chinups. Hanging from a bar is the easiest way to allign your spine without visiting a chiropracter. This will make you feel more energetic, it'll make your movements in exercise more easier, and you'll be more likely to release fat burning hormones. Yoga and Pilates have become very popular this century. These exercises are not only wonderfull for your posture but they will also increase overall strength and stamina by helping the body move more efficiently.

Live an active lifestyle: Exercise isn't done for an hour a day at the gym. It's done throughout the day, at any given opportunity. If you spend ten hours a day climbing mountains, you'll have the body of a mountain climber, if you had sex from 9 to 5 you'd end up with the body of a porn star, but if you spend ten hours a day at a desk you'll have the body of a government worker. Any activity is better then no activity. If you like going to the bar, then get on the dance floor and move it. If you like going to the beach then go for a swim, or play some volleyball. Leave your car in the driveway and go for a walk when possible. Light activity that burns an extra 200 calories an hour adds up throughout the day.

Diet is the most important aspect of losing weight. You need to reduce the overall amount of calories going in without setting off the bodies alarms. Eat smaller portions, of healthy food, more often throughout the day. Your goal is to raise the metabolism and give the body no reason whatsoever to put its guard up, because it feels it's missing something.

Treat your depression: When one's depressed one seeks food as a form of instant satisfaction and control. It's diffficult to eat better when one's depressed. If that's the case, it'd be in your best interest to ask your physician for some pills, as I'm certain they'd love to prescribe them to you.

Consume cold water: Water has no calories but takes a lot of energy to warm up ( that's why it's one of the best coolants around ). One litre of cold water that enters the body at four degrees exits the body at 37 degrees. Do the math, drinking one litre of water uses up 33 000 Joules of energy. If that one litre of water can be sweated out instead of pissed out, you'll burn even more calories.

Up your protein intake: Eat one gram of complete protein for every pound of bodyweight. Whey isolate is ideal because it is virtually fat and sugar free. This will let your muscles grow enough to raise your metabolism. Whey peptides have the magical ability of quadrupling the hormone CCK, which is responsible for soothing feelings of hunger. Whey protein is the healthiest, most convenient, and most affordable lifestyle change, for losing and keeping off excessive bodyfat.

Don't neglect fat: If you go without eating fat your body will be less likely to burn off its fat supply, and will go on a fat craving. Fats are very important for perfect health and for the creation of hormones, especially the hormones that increase the metabolism. Some fat's are better then others. The Omega 3 rich fats of of fresh salmon are much better then the hydrogenated vegetable oil of a pastry or bacon grease.

Keep the carbohydrates reasonable: If you're going to run a marathon, fight a war, or toil on a construction site the carbohydrates will be your best friend. But if you work in an office, or go to school a few small portions of carbohydrates is all you'll need. Carbohydrate intake should be kept reasonable, not eliminated. Complex carbohydrates are always better then simple sugars as white sugar is known as 'white death' in the bodybuilding community.

Vitamins, minerals, & nutrients: Go heavy on the fruits and vegetables.You'll need the vitamins, trace minerals, fibre, and enzymes found only in fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of the supplements available at your local health food stores try to replicate the effects of the exotic nutrients found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Practice temperance: If you want to lose weight then you should seriously avoid alcohol. Alcohol is very high in calories.( Some drunkards and bar stars are thin, but only because they're perpetually hung over. In such a state they're dehydrated, and incapable of holding down any food ) Avoid marijuana too, and don't trust the research presented to you in the pamphlet handed out by some hippy downtown. It'll make you lazy, depressed, demotivated, and worst of all it'll leave you with a bad case of the munchies.

Don't rely on over the counter supplements: There are a wide variety of weight loss supplements. Now that ephedrine is illegal, everything remaining is merely just a supplement. Just as a three mile an hour tail wind can help supplement a car in breaking a top speed record, a weightloss supplement alone is worthless without proper diet and exercise. Remember this fact the next time you purchase any fat burning products. Weightloss product inventory

The only way to lose weight without effort is with illegal or prescription drugs. Each one has it's own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin: This stack was wonderful when it was legal, but not without its flaws. It was addictive, it wasn't healthy, and when you went off the stack, your metabolism would change, resulting in some of the weight coming back.

Clenbuterol: is a wonderful product, in the sense that it's one of the few fat burners that actually let you put on a few pounds of muscle.This product must be cycled a few days on a few days off, so it's effectiveness is essentially cut in half. It's legal in Europe for weight loss, but only used to treat horses with asthma here. It can work without exercise, but you'll be twitching so much throughout the day, you'll get plenty of exercise without even making an effort.

Cytomel: Thyroid hormones are excellent at raising your metabolism. The drug with the best reputation in the athletic community is cytoml. There are numerous 'legal' thyroid stimulating supplements for sale at the local health food store, but they don't hold up a candle to the real thing, which has a reputation for sacrificing muscle mass, and still requires exercise and a good diet to be noticeably effective. I do not suggest using this drug without a doctors prescription, for if you do it the wrong way you will suppress your thyroid permanently.

DNP: is the strongest fat burner known to man, capable of melting off one pound of solid fat in a day without any exercise ! Not a medicine, but an ingredient of some explosives and insecticides. It's very dangerous, a small overdose can kill you, it's long term health effects aren't documented, and you'll leave behind an orange sweat that doesn't go away. I do not recommend this to anybody. A pound of fat is worth about 3500 calories, it'd be easier and safer to just run for three hours, or to participate in your favorite sport or activity for seven hours to acheve the same result.

Kynoselen: injections work very well for eliminating fatty deposits in spots, it'll help increase muscle mass, and give you more stamina to exercise. This comes at a cost though. You'll need a crooked veterinarian or horse racer to get it for you. The injections are frequent, and the injection area will be very sore, and your blood pressure will rise. Nevertheless you'll still have to exercise hard, and you'll still have to eat healthy.

Somatropin: GH shots are excellent at spot treating fatty deposits. This method is very popular with Hollywood celebrities right now, as it has a side effect of reducing the effects of aging. To get the stuff in Canada you'll need a very liberal minded doctor, a prescription from an offshore doctor, or a good black market source. If you're well connected you'll be able to buy a 4iu bottle for about $50 US. A smarter alternative would be to raise the bodies own somatropin levels by lifting heavy free weights, and by consuming a diet rich in glutamine
you dont have to be carb depleated to lose fat you just have to eat less then you expend.

my stats are im damn good at what i do.

im not gonna bother agruing after this post.. if u go on a low carb diet and carb up evey week or 2 with a cheat day u will loos more then if you going high carb! and i think most know this. im sayin, say u maintain at 4000 cals and u drop it to 3500 u will loos more fat easyer if carbs dont make up much of your cals, compared to if it makes up half or most of it! im tryin to let this guy know how to loos fat easyer. u eat 1 fukin bowl of pasta or 1 fukin chickin that equel out to the same cals are u tellin me it dont matter? if its three bowls of pasta that make the 3500cal or the 3 chickens!! id dont matter aslong as your under the cals u maintain at?? i mean ya u will loos a bit rigerdless if your under that cals line but not as much as low carbing it
common man .

any way w/e
You are not the only one having problems trying to lose weight, without any success. I know that it is very frustrating to try all sorts of things and still be in the same shape…..I too have faced that!!! Just a couple of weeks back I came across [Weight Loss 2008[/url] that not only made me glad I did (I finally got a product that does the real thing) but got the work started. It has been a great way for me because it doesn’t throw up obstacles but gets the job done.
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im not gonna bother agruing after this post.. if u go on a low carb diet and carb up evey week or 2 with a cheat day u will loos more then if you going high carb! and i think most know this. im sayin, say u maintain at 4000 cals and u drop it to 3500 u will loos more fat easyer if carbs dont make up much of your cals, compared to if it makes up half or most of it! im tryin to let this guy know how to loos fat easyer. u eat 1 fukin bowl of pasta or 1 fukin chickin that equel out to the same cals are u tellin me it dont matter? if its three bowls of pasta that make the 3500cal or the 3 chickens!! id dont matter aslong as your under the cals u maintain at?? i mean ya u will loos a bit rigerdless if your under that cals line but not as much as low carbing it
common man .

any way w/e

off course what you eat matter. it matters alot but in the en its the calories that count.

and its probably not just a temporary diet but a lifestylechange that is needed.

I dont suggest high carb but more of a dont overeat carbs which is quite a bit different from just fat and protein.

and my last point is you need a bit of carbs in your body in order to excercise well and burn calories.