Does breakfast speed up your metabolism daily?


New member
Okay I firmly believe that if you eat a quality breakfast that it will jump start and increase the metabolism that day rather than if you were to leave your house on an empty stomach.

Today I had a huge argument with my roommate going back in forth how I think it does and he thinks it doesn't.

I mean I can literally google the phrase "Does eating breakfast boost your metabolism?" and hundreds of websites with sources conclude that breakfast does boost your metabolism. I have seen even hospitals and cancer research center sources believe so.

Here is my roommate's argument: "If people claim breakfast boosts their metabolism then I disagree because TEF (the thermic effect of food) is directly proportionate to the macronutrients of whatever food you are intaking and the calories that you are ingesting. Also for a comparison of what he is trying to say is if you eat a 2,400 calories within the day and if you break them up between 6 meals of 400 calories or 3 meals with 800 calories, then you will burn just as much calories and your metabolism would be the same if you consumed both of them on different days. So basically he's saying it doesn't matter if you consume 2,400 calories broken down into 3 meals or 6 meals, or 4 meals. It is all the same.

I definitely disagree. I don't think I need to explain my point because I feel it's more common sense, but if you disagree with me OR if you would like to offer advice for my argument and why his is wrong, then I would appreciate it. If you think he's right, then please let me hear your point of view.

Meal timing doesn't matter much other than post/pre workout. Ever heard of IF? The best workouts of my life have always been fasted. The only reason I'm not doing IF currently is because it's too hard to eat enough calories for my bulk in such a small amount of time. But IF works wonders for fat loss, speaking from experience, and during IF I only ate from 2 till 8 at night. The bodies metabolism doesn't slow down until about 3 days of not eating and most people have never gone that long in their entire life without food.
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Meal timing doesn't matter much other than post/pre workout. Ever heard of IF? The best workouts of my life have always been fasted. The only reason I'm not doing IF currently is because it's too hard to eat enough calories for my bulk in such a small amount of time. But IF works wonders for fat loss, speaking from experience, and during IF I only ate from 2 till 8 at night. The bodies metabolism doesn't slow down until about 3 days of not eating and most people have never gone that long in their entire life without food.

Yeah we actually talked about IF. That was the only reason why I took his point of view into consideration because that makes sense. I'll look more into it and that source. Thanks a lot and he maybe right lol.
If I don't eat a good breakfast I end up overeating during lunchtime and dinner. Plus I get extremely hungry before lunchtime so I need a food meal before that.