Dosage ? on 1-AD

cant get BIG

New member
I have two bottles....would it be better to take 3 caps a day for 40 days or 4 caps a day for 30 days. 1 capsule = 100mg
Varies ways too do it:
start off small with 3 caps a day and then next week go too 4 and then next week 5 and then 6 and 7.

I would get some 6-0x0 or something similar so you can keep most of your gains.
Definitely get the 6Oxo to help you keep the gains. About 3 months ago, I stacked Cellucor P-6 and 1-AD. I got f*cking great gains (something like 30 lbs in a month on my bench and even more on squat), but as soon as I quit, I lost all of it in the same timeframe. No side effects (hell, I've already got the gyno), just lost gains. So get the 6 Oxo.
but i only have two bottles and i think that it should last atleast 4 weeks so which one would be better??? 3 ed or 4ed