E2 very high, how to run adex?


New member
I'm was 200mg test/week for about a year, no AI
On the last couple of months I was feeling really bad, libido issues, lethargy, panic... well, on my blood work on day 22/12 my E2 was 148 (reference value <30), so very high!!
I decided to try running adex, a higher dose on the first day (.75mg, one dose) and then .25mg EOD. Total on first week =1.5mg and after that ~.75mg/week. I dont know if it was a good choice to run so high at first, but I was very scared with the numbers.
15 days on this and felt very fine for about a couple of days only on the last weekend, and now I'm crap again. What are the guesses? Maybe I crushed my E2 or the Adex was not enough?
You need to get blood work again to see where you're at because anything at this point that we suggest is merely a shot in the dark, with just assumptions... contact your physician in schedule some blood work as fast as you possibly can
I've already contacted him, and I'm getting bloodwork tomorrow, but it usually takes about a week or a bit less to the results be avaliable. I would like to know the opinions... I don't know if I keep this dose, or stop taking.
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The issue with estrogen is it takes more time than most people suspect to start feeling effects in either direction, I'm not going to even attempt to give you any suggestion on your dosage without seeing your blood work... I know this is not what you want to hear but I would suggest to just ride this out until you get your bloodwork, I know you can hang in there because you're going to have to....
Well. I was able to get a lab that make the bloodwork with the results at the same day. Just got it and my E2 is 55 now
It seems that lowered a lot but it still high, isn't iit?
55 is not too bad if it is a non-sensitive essay (most likely this is the case). Anything under 50 (if your feeling good) should be good.
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That's not much test. Just a bit higher than my trt dose(160mg).
On cycle I run adex at 1mg weekly and my estero never gets too high. I've never had to run it with trt dose. It's not what you should do. Just what I do and I've been at this steroid thing awhile.
That's not much test. Just a bit higher than my trt dose(160mg).
On cycle I run adex at 1mg weekly and my estero never gets too high. I've never had to run it with trt dose. It's not what you should do. Just what I do and I've been at this steroid thing awhile.
Yes, that was weird, I also did some cycles a couple of years ago, but never felt any bad, and my libido was always on beast mode when I was cycling.
In any case, it seems that the adex took down 70% of the E2 in a couple of weeks. Maybe I should keep taking it for a week more and slowly stop it?
One thing I must say that may be important. Before I start feeling bad, I was taking subcutaneous injections every day, and I changed to IM each week because my belly was with a lot of achy spots due to the constant pinning, maybe this change was the cause (or one of the causes) of the sky rocket E2.
I'm was 200mg test/week for about a year, no AI
On the last couple of months I was feeling really bad, libido issues, lethargy, panic... well, on my blood work on day 22/12 my E2 was 148 (reference value <30), so very high!!
I decided to try running adex, a higher dose on the first day (.75mg, one dose) and then .25mg EOD. Total on first week =1.5mg and after that ~.75mg/week. I dont know if it was a good choice to run so high at first, but I was very scared with the numbers.
15 days on this and felt very fine for about a couple of days only on the last weekend, and now I'm crap again. What are the guesses? Maybe I crushed my E2 or the Adex was not enough?

Hows it going with this, made any progress?