Eating clean


Well-known member
Whats up bros, i have been eating clean for a while now, and i dont think i can eat like this anymore. Dont you guys ever get the need to just pig out on french fries, pizza, and chocalate, its tough to resist. What fuels you guys to keep going?
Tsaunders said:
Whats up bros, i have been eating clean for a while now, and i dont think i can eat like this anymore. Dont you guys ever get the need to just pig out on french fries, pizza, and chocalate, its tough to resist. What fuels you guys to keep going?

Why are you doing it?? That should be your motivation to keep at, a good eating plan should allow for a cheat meal every once and a while to keep binges and cravings at bay...
I try to eat at least 5 meals a day when I am not dieting. I try to make 4 of them clean, then I will have whatever I want as long as its centered around protein. For instance I may wake up and drink a protein shake for breakfast along with an oatmeal bar. Then I will eat a grilled chicken breast with some rice or potatoes, then I might have a cheat meal. Something like a Philly steak sub, or a fatty steak, or pizza loaded with ground beef, or some kind of italian or chinese, mexican, etc etc, but I make sure its centered around some kind of meat. Then I will have chicken once again with some rice or potatoes, then a protein shake before bed. That is a typical day for me. Somedays I just eat prenty clean throughout, but if your not dieting, a bullshit meal here or there won't hurt you.