ED issues 6 weeks into cycle


New member
Hey guys,

I'm on a test cyp only cycle for 6 weeks now and I'm experiencing ED issues. I dont have any issues with my sex drive at all its just flaccid like a noodle and it takes a while longer for things to stand up if you know what I mean. I'm dating right now too so this is kind of embarassing and I want to fix it ASAP.

I'm on liquidex 0.25 EOD, I'm assuming the best thing to do for this matter is get the female hormone panel and see if something is off which it probably is? Any advice in the mean time or comments would be appreciated as far as what to do. I did get the female hormone panel before the cycle and everything was spot on except for liver enzymes ALT were slightly elevated

Been there. Get bloods and take it from there. With the poor quality of raws these days it could be anything. A year ago guys were getting test e which contained a female contraceptive. Lot of lemp noodles then.

I wouldnt think running test only would be a problem. What adex are you using?
Been there. Get bloods and take it from there. With the poor quality of raws these days it could be anything. A year ago guys were getting test e which contained a female contraceptive. Lot of lemp noodles then.

I wouldnt think running test only would be a problem. What adex are you using?

Liquidex from RUI
Def get blood work, you're mid cycle anyways and in the mean time try Liquid CIA from RUI .30-.50 ed helps the noodle, blood pressure and you get great pumps in the gym...Love this stuff!!
Yep, it'll be estrogen related buddy, get those bloods done, find out where you're at, and adjust AI accordingly.

In the meantime, 10mg Cialis will put that smile FIRMLY back on your lady's face ;)
Yep, it'll be estrogen related buddy, get those bloods done, find out where you're at, and adjust AI accordingly.

In the meantime, 10mg Cialis will put that smile FIRMLY back on your lady's face ;)

Getting blood work done tomorrow, will post results ASAP. Is Liquid CIA from RUI something that will fix my rats ED issues? Or do you suggest viagra? I can get both too for my rats...
Both will work... the only difference is that Viagra is better if you know exactly what time you are likely to have sex, as it last for 6-8hrs...
If you have sex sporadically and spontaneously, then Cialis works better as it lasts for up to 32hrs...

Personally I find Cialis less harsh, no headaches etc, and because I am on TRT it helps with blood pressure and prostate issues too :)
It could just be me, but 10mg of Cialis stuffs up my head. Anyone else have this issue? 3-5 works great for me, wouldn't starting off at a lower dose to see how you respond be better? Not second guessing you Bigben, just asking a question!
Split the Cialis into 5mg halves then buddy....

That's the dose I take daily on TRT, and it works a treat for me.

I suggested 10mg because that'll give you a boner you can break rocks with.