effectiveness of multiple meals.


wavin the 44
Anyone tried cutting on the standard three meals a day? I'm wondering if all else is equal (cardio, calorie count, nutrients) how much of a difference does splitting 3 meals into 6 actually make?
Think of it this way, lets say you have a breakfast at 6AM. You have some oats, egg whites, a shake and some toast, all of that is great, but it will be digested in probably 2hours at max. That will leave your body hungry for more nutrients until you have another meal which is probably around 12. Ok so you just left your body hungry & possibly breaking down some muscle and fat for an extra 4hours. After eating your lunch at 12, your body will digest for 2hours and your dinner is at 7. That will leave your body once again hungry and searching for nutrients so it breaks down some more muscle/fat for another 4hours.

In the end, you're losing a lot more muscle(and fat) from eating 3meals compared to having 6meals split up because you are always delivering nutrients to your muscles the entire day so there is less chance for your body to break down muscle.
It doesn't make much of a difference and I would be surprised if you saw a difference between two men of equal stats, both cutting at the same time, one eating many meals and the other only eating three meals. The only real benefit, in my experience, is that you won't feel as hungry eating more frequent (but smaller) meals... but seriously, when you are cutting, you are going to feel hungry anyway, so it's still a matter of willpower.
Behemoth said:
It doesn't make much of a difference and I would be surprised if you saw a difference between two men of equal stats, both cutting at the same time, one eating many meals and the other only eating three meals. The only real benefit, in my experience, is that you won't feel as hungry eating more frequent (but smaller) meals... but seriously, when you are cutting, you are going to feel hungry anyway, so it's still a matter of willpower.

Well you wrong- There is plenty of published info about the dynamic effects of eating several small meals over a day. You will boost your metabolism 10 - 15%. That in itself will make getting leaner easier.

There are plenty of other reasons but i won't get into it-
id say 5 meals is probably the minimum i would go, but some people get into these ridiculous 10 meals a day every 48 minutes and 22 seconds that is just a waste of time. If our bodies were that inefficient we would hav been dead a long time ago.
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DirkMoneyshot said:
Oh i agree - Typically 5 meals / day during fat loss and 6 meals / day when adding weight.
thats the way i do it :bigok:

i tried 7 meals/day for 8 weeks while i was DC'ing it hard, but i found that to be unecessarily (sp?) too many meals; could have done the same thing with 1 or 2 less meals.
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