enanthate or propionate professional judgement question


New member
Hello to all professional gear takers.

Looking to get a simple straightforward answer with the provided information below.

Sustanon 250...750 mg/week.............1-12 weeks
Trend 75..........225 mg/week..............1-8 weeks
Anadrol...............25mg/pill...............4 pill/day
Masteron..........400 mg/week............8-12 weeks
Proper post cycle in place.

1. Trend 75 is tren enanthate or test enanthate?
2. Masterson is enanthate or propionate?

Use you professional judgement
Thank you for your support and time.
Already done the research, now I need the community that this forum is built around on, to give me their personal and professional experience and suggestions.

Hence this forum to help me make the chouce based on peoples experiences.

So no one really knows this anwser? Is it that complex?
Please give me the link that suggests which mixture and with this speific cycle what is suggested.

Anyone else on this website can anwser this question? anyone have any knowledge?
Do u have the vial in front of u? It does not say on the vial and or ur source does not know?

Problem is i wish to make this order but its been 3-4 years now. and Looks like names and such changed. so all i need is from your knowledge what you suggest,

OR anyones knowledge what they suggest. THis is a community to help out each other. so live up to it
Hello to all professional gear takers.

Looking to get a simple straightforward answer with the provided information below.

Sustanon 250...750 mg/week.............1-12 weeks
Trend 75..........225 mg/week..............1-8 weeks
Anadrol...............25mg/pill...............4 pill/day
Masteron..........400 mg/week............8-12 weeks
Proper post cycle in place.

1. Trend 75 is tren enanthate or test enanthate?
2. Masterson is enanthate or propionate?

Use you professional judgement
Thank you for your support and time.

Can anyone help me? I done my research i require your thoughts
So i cant get Tren 75 anymore in injectable forum

(Tren 75)Finabolan is a massive strength and hardening agent

So what you people think is a good similar gear?

Tren Acetate?