ENDOCRE r3 (BBS Nutrition)


New member
Anyone ever try ENDOCRE r3 by BBS Nutrition? I guess its also known by 'Endocre3' Any suggestions/comments on it... experiences... any of that stuff would help.

Your might hear a lot about not taking this supplement because all you may need is regular Creatine Monohydrate and dextrose.

This combo actually works and is more effective then taking creatine alone.

Endocre 3 allows your body to take creatine a step further by assisting in creating more creatine from the amino acids you ingest.

This is how your body produces creatine. Creatine is not naturally available although with supplementation of protein or eating high protein foods, your bodies natural response is to produce creatine from the amino acids taken.

Supplementation with other creatine products will stop your natural reproduction which then forces the body to rely on the man-made creatine your taking