Read the thread that I link to in my signature below. It will tell you how to get blood work and what blood work to get. Post the results when you have them and we can help you interpret the results.
In the meantime why don't you tell use about your cycle and what your stats are?
115kg 6.2 tall 30 years old .yes i know a hot flush like an ol lady in her 50's it 1st started from the 1st cycle i ever did at 22years old which of corse i had no clue what i was doing and went by wat other fools were telling me who also having more experience than me but still know nothing other that horse it into you ul be grand.i stayed on cycle about 9to10 months half ruining myself sadly only a little good information would have gone along way.since then iv spent quite a lot of time reading listing and gathering info of how to do things properly or at least better.the last cycle i did would have been my 4th, last cycle was 10to 12 weeks sustanon 500mg weekly wel slightly over injecting 250mg every 3rd day trying to keep more stable levels in the blood .about week 4 i did a week of ai the ol nips were gittin a bit sore it went away but from about week 8 on i get as i can only say hot flushes walkin along in the cold turn into a shop 2 feet in the door im passing out with a melt down i was thinking it was an imbalance of my eostrogen i know its normal to run hot on cycle and frm time to time change the sheets especially if ur on tren but this isnt normal.pct was hcg clomid and an ai all started 2weeks after my last shot and ran for 3weeks it worked quite well the way i put it together but next time i wil make some small adjustments. im living in ireland so its not as easy as the states for getting bloods done if i went to my doc and said hay im on cycle i need my bloods done think she mite turn inside out im guessing there is away of getting them done with out having to pick up ur doctors jaw off the floor ?