A AD New member Mar 7, 2006 #1 Will taking 10mg ephedra + light cardio help me stay lean while bulking or will it just defeat the purpose of bulking?
Will taking 10mg ephedra + light cardio help me stay lean while bulking or will it just defeat the purpose of bulking?
S Suareezay Dont taze me, bro. Mar 7, 2006 #2 i wouldnt bother with the ephedra. cardio is always good though...increases appetite, helps recovery, etc.
i wouldnt bother with the ephedra. cardio is always good though...increases appetite, helps recovery, etc.
B Bast Growing Mar 8, 2006 #3 Bulking does NOT mean get fat... Its the fatasses reason for why they look like shit 10 of 12 months.
Bulking does NOT mean get fat... Its the fatasses reason for why they look like shit 10 of 12 months.