epi-strong cycle plan


New member
So main goals:
1. gain exceptional strength (do not care about and want to avoid mass)
2. maintain or lose weight (recomp)
3. dry and lean

Currently, take 200 test once weekly with 250 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice weekly already. Figure the test is a good base with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) helping to keep from total shut down. Adex is .25 every other day. Already taking liver support as well.

Plan to add epi-strong and pulse it as a 1 day on /1 day off or 2 day on/2 day off for the first cycle. Although it may not give me the full potential it gives me longer to play with it and minimize stress on body. In addition, plan to add 7-keto DHEA at 100 twice daily.

Does the collective wisdom of the forum have recommendations, agree, disagree or what?
Don't pulse it man....just run epi straight at 40mg for 4-6 weeks

7-Keto DHEA I would save for PCT if you plan on coming off of your 200mg of test, if not I would just run it after the epi-strong

Your 3 goals will be achieved mainly depending upon your diet
Thanks for response. Yeah, I know watching diet will be the big thing. See I started 200mg of test and gained 15-20 lbs in shortly 6 weeks. I have never carried much bf and still don't. Hell, people comment on how "jacked" i look, but problem is I have to stay close to certain weight for competition. I want to gain strength but can't afford to keep weight on. 7-Keto is more for thermogenic and health reasons, since it doesn't convert to T or E. I have had terrible E side effects with just test so i was hoping the epi with its anti-E properties would also be helpful.
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