Epidrol Cycle help


New member
Hello, im new to this forum so please be easy on the flaming if i butcher this post.

For some of my background information behind steroids I've done one stack and that was about a year ago with some D-bol and my post cycle therapy (pct) consisted of clomiphene and tamoxifen. Stack went real well and post cycle therapy (pct) went well.

However the friend i did all this with is no longer with us due to some other issues so im not very knowledgeable with all this and I've lost my connect on non OTC gear.

So I've found this product Xtreme epidrol (there is also an epidrol from Hardcore formulas but from what i read this one is better) and i want to take it for 6 weeks and with all the research I've been doing it looks like i should do it as 20mg/day first week then 30mg/day for the remainder of the 5 weeks. (Please let me know if there is a better way)

NOW, this is what i believe i need the real help on, post cycle therapy (pct). i have a bottle of this clomid left over and 3/4 of bottle of tamoxifen left. Do i need more post cycle therapy (pct) and how should i do it with this product? 30/30/30/30 on clomid and 40/40/20/20 on tamoxifen? Is there any OTC stuff i can get my hands on for post cycle therapy (pct).

I know i probably sound pretty dumb with all this but any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
You'll want to preload with some hawthorn berry. 6 weeks is good for an Epi cycle and you can increase your dosage if you would like. Some people say their sweet spot is 30 some are 40 and some are 50. It's all really up to you and how your body reacts to the compound. Your Nolva looks good at 40/40/20/20 but make your Clomid 50/50/25/25. Good luck with your cycle.
Clomid at that dose would be fine and you don't really need any other supps besides your multi that you should be taking everyday. Remember to eat a lot in PCT to keep your gains also if you're looking to bulk use creatine in PCT it helps with gains too.