Epistane or H-drol


New member
I know that this has been answered probably countless times and I have searched other forums, but wanted to get the experts view. I am 26 years old been lifting for around 4 years and am 5'9" 190lbs around 10% bf. I did a Turinabol LV 4 week cycle dosed low and had ok results, but do not think I had my diet on point. This was over 2 years ago. I am now ready for another cycle and am trying to decide between Epistrong (Epistane) and H-drol. I know both are real lean compounds and I know H-drol is the same thing overall as the T-bol I took in the past, but I want to know which is going to be better in regards to sides. I do not want a gyno scare, which I doubt either would cause, but my main concern is acne. I hate acne and want to avoid it at all cost. I have a mild case now and I know any androgen can increase this, but which one in your opinion would be less likely to cause this. I am considering doing epistrong at 30 mg for 4 weeks then torem and other supps during and after cycle. I do not need to know about my cyle plan I just need to know about the acne side effect and other side effects and how one product is better than others in this regards. Thanks. - Bombdiggity
I've used H-Drol twice before and didn't experience any acne sides. Only sides for me were mild back pumps. But if you can get T-Bol, why would you go back to H-Drol...? Seems like a step back in my opinion...I don't know much about Epistane...
I know that this has been answered probably countless times and I have searched other forums, but wanted to get the experts view. I am 26 years old been lifting for around 4 years and am 5'9" 190lbs around 10% bf. I did a Turinabol LV 4 week cycle dosed low and had ok results, but do not think I had my diet on point. This was over 2 years ago. I am now ready for another cycle and am trying to decide between Epistrong (Epistane) and H-drol. I know both are real lean compounds and I know H-drol is the same thing overall as the T-bol I took in the past, but I want to know which is going to be better in regards to sides. I do not want a gyno scare, which I doubt either would cause, but my main concern is acne. I hate acne and want to avoid it at all cost. I have a mild case now and I know any androgen can increase this, but which one in your opinion would be less likely to cause this. I am considering doing epistrong at 30 mg for 4 weeks then torem and other supps during and after cycle. I do not need to know about my cyle plan I just need to know about the acne side effect and other side effects and how one product is better than others in this regards. Thanks. - Bombdiggity

Usually people will take Epi over Halo unless they are specifically cutting/maintaining weight during caloric deficient.

I personally have some Epi set aside I plan to use, but no Halo. Halo has its purpose, I just dont have any.

For an all around cycle I would vote the Epi, and I have not seen anyone complain about acne from it yet. You planning on using a SERM?
Just started week 3 with epistane. First prohormone cycle of any kind, ever. I am 34 and let me tell you its pretty good stuff. noticing strength, endurance and a lil fat loss.No acne whatsoever, but never really had a problem with it. And i eat fairly well in that regard. hope this helps.
I am going with Torem for SERM. The Turinabol was Turinabol LV by Primordial not the real deal. So it is your opinion that epistane would be better from a sides point than h-drol.
i've used hdrol 3 times now and its always worked awesome. great for recomp. epi is hit or miss for most people..dont expect much lean mas gains (5-10lbs max for most people)..but strength gains are awesome...strength gains with hdrol is much more gradual. never tried T-Lv though.
Thanks for the input. I would love more feedback from other users in regards to epi vs. h-drol side effect wise. - Bomb

lol. He means epi gave him itchy nips. Happens if your estro goes a little high(but not gyno high).

Pick up the epistrong and run it, and you wont be disappointed. IF you are worried about gyno, you can get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and keep it on the shelf. Should anything somehow pop up, you can just start that and end your cycle and transition into a PCT.

All steroids have side effects. The true art and principle of using is to limit and balance those side effects, and well as counteracting them.