Epistane PCT


New member
Hello guys,

im pretty new here on the forums and I need some information. Ive finished my cycle on epistane and now im on my post cycle therapy (pct). Im taking Forerunner Labs Reboot and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Nutrition post cycle therapy (pct). My problem is that I think I got a gyno from that. I got fat nipples and they look a bit strange. To be on the safe side , im thinking about taking Tamox. Any advices if I can take the tamox with my post cycle therapy (pct) protocol ? And how much of tamox should I take ? Thanks in advance.
yea that post cycle therapy (pct) your running is shit all those over the counter post cycle therapy (pct) fucked me over then when i took a real post cycle therapy (pct) nolva and colmid i bounced back so much quicker and reversed my gyno
Its my first PH cycle and I really didnt expect it. As I said im not even sure if its a gyno because nothing hurts. Just fat nipples and a bit in shape. Maybe I need to post a picture. Im more then 2 weeks in pct now, can i still get Tamox fast ? I got a source. And can i take it together with my other pct products ?
This just shows me that I will never ever start a cycle before having nolva on hand ...
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A picture would definitely make it easier for us to help you. It depends on if your source can get it to you fast? I would still get Tamox or Nolva ASAP though. Yes you can take it with everything else. AND YES, ALWAYS HAVE IT ON HAND FIRST.
Here some pics. Sorry for the wrong position. I got to say that the nipples are sometimes smaller and sometimes bigger and the round thing itself ( dont know the right name in english sorry ) is also sometimges bigger than on this picture. If I watch my nipples from above they look a bit in shape.
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IMO just run the nolva dude. Doesnt look like much, i have pubertal gyno thats worse than that. run the nolva if not for the chance of some tissue build up, but for the proper pct protocol