New member
I've been recommended a cycle of 200 mg test cyp and 200 mg equipoise (3 days later) per week. Does this sound like a good cycle? Any comments would be appreciated.
Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %? Years training?
What else would you run with that cycle? PCT? Please lay the whole proposed cycle out.
And not worry about AI and hCG?
You absolutely need to worry abut them on cycle.
You should be worried about them on TRT too. You check your estradiol right? And lots of us on TRT use hCG to keep our testicles from completely atrophying.
Estradiol was not check by my MD. And I'm not prescribed hCG. Also, my MD has me on the low end of serum test.
You should be checking estradiol. Gels are known to cause a lot of aromatization. Insist that your doctor check it when you do blood work.