Euro Pharm Test Deca Log (2nd Cycle)


New member
Whats up steroidology, im going to be logging my 2nd cycle every week or so. Got my gear from a very reliable source so im pumped for the next few months. Still somewhat concerned on how good the gear is, been some complaints on dosage lately. And getting bloodwork done is out of the question right now for personal reasons. Anyway, tomorrow im starting week 5 out of this 14 week cycle.

Stats: 5'11, 205lbs, 11-12% bf

Weeks 1-14: Test E 500-600mg/wk
Weeks 1-12: Deca 400mg/wk
Weeks 5-14: Aromasin 25mg EOD
HCG: difficult to run entire cycle, thinking of blasting at the end...

PCT: Clomid 50/50/50/50, aromasin when needed

Gains/Sides after 4 weeks:
Havent noticed much gains yet, might look slightly bigger in the mirror (most likely some water weight if anything).

Not that much notable strength gains from week to week, just usual gains.

Libido seems to have increased, acne on back/arms has increased significantly. placebo hasnt changed too much.

been getting worse cramps post workout since starting this cycle.

i havent stepped on the scale for a few weeks, trying to just check my progress from the mirror instead of concentrating on the scale. My goal is to reach 220-225 this cycle and id be happy to keep 215+ after post cycle therapy (pct).

My diet has been very soild the past 4 weeks, eating 7-8 meals a day consisting of steak, chicken, fish, eggs, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, ezekial bread, veggies, and protein shakes (whey/casein). don't have time to list entire diet.

If my gear is legit and dosed correctly then this cycle should be amazing. My diet, training, and rest are all in check. Do you think my gains and sides are normal after 4 weeks on a test/deca cycle?

My first cycle was Test E 500/wk and i noticed strength/weight gains after 3-4 weeks.
Well tomorrow is the last day of week 5. i weighed myself during my workout today and was only at 202.... maybe because i had only had 2 meals so far? i know i shouldnt necessarily go by the scale but it kind of upset me. i would think on 600 test and 400 deca i would start gaining weight by the end of week 5.
however, i have noticed quite better/bigger pumps during my workouts in week 5, my endurance and strength has seemed to increase some too. nothing crazy though. my diet has been spot on as well as training...

do you think 5 weeks is still too early for weight gains on test/deca?