

New member
First time user of GHRP-6 and CJC 1295.....Pinning 150mcg GHRP twice daily and 100 mcg CJC twice daily.
I have been reading a variety of different reactions/results to this combination but am looking to value someone's opinion that sort of jives with what I have been reading and that has made sense. Anybody out there who can contribute some well appreciated info please feel free to do so. I train 4 days weekly, diet is very tight being a former competitor. Now training competitive figure and bodybuilding athletes as well as sport specific athletic training. I am 56 years old and and still fanatical about the way that I look. About 12 percent bodyfat and I weigh 193.....5 feet 7 1/2. Again any info is greatly appreciated......
Expect to get sleepy! I've been taking CJC/ipam combo 100mcg each 3x a day for about a week now and I get some serious sleep. Sometimes I wanna just nap all day. And with the GHRP-6, prepare to eat! LOL
Very diet conscious. I'm actually having a hard time getting all my calories in. However, Ipamorelin doesn't have the same increase in hunger that GHRP-6 is known for. That's one of the reasons why I chose it. I'm trying to cut now so it's a benefit for me.

I guess if I was on a bulking cycle, I'd take the GHRP-6 to help me take in enough calories.
are you diet conscious and even with the increase in appetite are you staying lean?

i have not run GHRP but i asked the very same question on another forum recently. from replies I have read it seems increased hunger from ghrp-6 may also be somewhat of an increased metabolism so if you eat decently should contribute to some lean gains.

at best it will help you get calories in if you are struggling to eat enough during cycles
the eating part I am familiar with....more interested in what to expect related to the physical improvements from the cjc and GHRP in conjunction to the amounts I am taking.....
Thank you
How long have you been taking peps? Honestly, I've not been on them long enough to give an honest assessment of them yet. My skin feels somewhat tighter but it might just be the placebo effect?
the eating part I am familiar with....more interested in what to expect related to the physical improvements from the cjc and GHRP in conjunction to the amounts I am taking.....
Thank you

To reap the full benefits of it you need to run it for an extended period of time, just like with GH. The first things I noticed with them is improved skin (more of a youthful look and tightness, and some clearing of my acne), better sleep, and an increase in hunger with the ghrp6. Long term benefits will be some leaning out, collagen synthesis, etc etc. Basically the same benfits as HGH but on a smaller scale.
just started the peptides this week.....I am also taking 200mg of cyp.....250mg sustanon and 200 mg deca every 6 days. These I have been on for about 3 months.
I have about 4 weeks left on the non peptides and I am making a 6 month commitment to the peptides.......
what are some of the other peptides that lend toward more hardness / muscularity......at 56 my bulking days are way behind me......hahaha
what are some of the other peptides that lend toward more hardness / muscularity......at 56 my bulking days are way behind me......hahaha

if your 56 yrs old you need real gh man. peptides work but are no where close to the real deal. also you need quite a bit of natty production going for your body to release it, etc etc.

at 56 your natty isnt really there, so peptides + gh will prolly be a much better bet
i just finished a 5 month run of ghrp2/6 and cjc . I started out at 100mcg of ghrp2/cjc 1295 x3 a day upon awakening/PWO and before bed. Thins i noticed while running it this way included improved sleep,improved skin texture not alot else. Anyway i got too about the 3 months mark and i ran out of cjc and ghrp2 however i still had ghrp6 and plenty of it so i started using that at dosages of 300mcg x3 a day . And let me tell u with in about a month i noticed that my skin was alot thinner and i was leaning out in a major way keep in mind i was also taking in anywere from 200-300 extra calories a day and not putting on any weight . Another thing i currently have a torn labrum in my right shoulder which has jsut rcently started to ache badly again ive now been off the pep for 3 weeks, during usage it still ached but no were near as much . All in all i would use again BUT i would stick to just GHRP6 300-500MCG X3 OR X2 a day. As far as hunger goes for ghrp6 i hardly became hungry even on high doses GHRP2 on the other hand fuck me i wanted to eat everything in site. just proof everyone reactly differently .
well, I get hardd very easily and I stay pretty hard all year round as I basically "diet all year round". I did the real gh for about 4-5 months or so and I did get harder and more vascular and I reall didn't lose any of that. Figured the peps would be a good switch just to see. I will up the dose of ghrp in a month or so to 400 mcg and keep the cjc at 200 mcg. Would you increase the cjc as well? Looking at the money side too......Which would be best to increase?
First time user of GHRP-6 and CJC 1295.....Pinning 150mcg GHRP twice daily and 100 mcg CJC twice daily.
I have been reading a variety of different reactions/results to this combination but am looking to value someone's opinion that sort of jives with what I have been reading and that has made sense. Anybody out there who can contribute some well appreciated info please feel free to do so. I train 4 days weekly, diet is very tight being a former competitor. Now training competitive figure and bodybuilding athletes as well as sport specific athletic training. I am 56 years old and and still fanatical about the way that I look. About 12 percent bodyfat and I weigh 193.....5 feet 7 1/2. Again any info is greatly appreciated......

at 50+ I would think you would find alot of nice things from this.
form skin to muscle mass and recovery.

but keep in mind just like with straight hGH use it may take months for full benifets to be seen/felt.

I liked the CJC1295 and GHRP-2 myself!
just finished it off (few more weeks of igf1lr3 and mk677 though)
It is nice, but I think you ment you have CJC1293 or CJC w/o Dac or CJC1293 w/o Dac or mod GRF1-26 or w/e they want to name it now lol
thats pinned every day the cjc1295 is 1-2times every 7-10days normally. when I used it, it was one pin every 7 days.
ok so I don't pin cjc1295 every day? Every 7 days?
If what you have is cjc1295, then yes it has a LONG life and dogins og every 6-10 days is good ( i rec e7d).

Here is basic some info on it:

CJC 1295 is a peptide of 29 amino acid length, primarily functioning as a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analog. CJC-1295 represents a very exciting new compound that has the potential to increase growth hormone and IGF-I secretion and effects. CJC - 1295 Stimulates GH and IGF-1 Secretion, and will keep a steady increase of HGH and IGF-1 with no increase in prolactin, leading to intense fat loss, and increases protein synthesis for more muscle growth.

CJC-1295 is a synthetic modification of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) with D-Ala, Gln, Ala, and Leu substitutions at positions 2, 8, 15, and 27 respectively. These substitutions create a much more stable peptide. By applying the Drug Affinity Complex (DAC) technology to GRF, the peptide selectively and covalently binds to circulating albumin after subcutaneous (SC) administration, thus prolonging its half-life.

These substitutions are key to increasing the overall half life of CJC-1295 but there lies an even greater reason as to why the half life has been extended. Bioconjugation is a relatively newer technology that takes a reactive group and attaches it to a peptide, which in turn reacts with a nucleophilic (usually a partially negative molecule) entity found in the blood to form a more stable bond.
CJC1293 (or mod GRF) is pinned 2-4X a day and would go nice with ghrp2/6 but cjc1295 is also very nice and I use it myself.

Problem is that many peptide stores sell CJC1293 or mod GRF-29 as CJC1295 no DAC so I think it causes some confusion in people that aren't aware of the differences between DAC or no DAC. I haven't seen a peptide store call it CJC1293 or Mod GRF-29.
Problem is that many peptide stores sell CJC1293 or mod GRF-29 as CJC1295 no DAC so I think it causes some confusion in people that aren't aware of the differences between DAC or no DAC. I haven't seen a peptide store call it CJC1293 or Mod GRF-29.

cjc1293 or cjc1295 no Dac or CJC1293 No Dac or Mod GRF-29 can all be the same.
If you have cjc1295 w/o Dac then you are good to pin 2-3X a day.
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