Experience with Accutane while on cycle?


New member
Taking Accutane and I'm in month 4 of a 6 month regimen from my doctor. Plan to start another cycle in January. Anyone taking Accutane while on cycle?
Your going to want to monitor your blood work carefully if you cycle and are on Accutane. Also stay away from any orals or harsh compounds.
avoid accu at all costs. even years after stopping side effects can b pretty messed up... it messes with you on a genetic level and is not to be taken lightly. i would rec any of the harsh antibiotics and run a cycle or two of them first at the very least, accu is pretty messed up and in my opinion shouldent even be on the market. Iv looked into this one alot and even many years ago... i cant believe its still around IMO
I'm in my 4 month and honestly have had very mild side effects based on all the research I've seen. Only have gotten dry skin and I'm lethargic sometimes, but none of those crazy sides.

So, I was going to start a tren a/test p cycle, this would also be my 1st time using tren. Additionally, this would be my 4th cycle. So, maybe drop the tren in favor of deca possibly?

Also, the dr has me doing blood work twice a month right now.

Thanks for any feedback
Taking Accutane and I'm in month 4 of a 6 month regimen from my doctor. Plan to start another cycle in January. Anyone taking Accutane while on cycle?

I use accutane, the trick with acc is to treat and bail.. Low dose can work wonders!

When I have a massive uncontrollable flare outs (last resort after all other protocols have been used) I will treat acne flare outs and rid them in all.. There after it's merely maintenance for treating symptoms.. I'm unsure of what your doctors protocol is, but whatever it may be, heed his suggestions but at the same time do your research as well, it's productive to know why he makes his suggestions!

My targeting protocol is 40mgs 3 days, 20mgs 7 days..10mgs EOD for 1-2 weeks.. It's gone there after. A dermo friend of mine suggested taking 10mgs 1 x a week here and there (to keep V-A like levels up) if I get any signs of a flareup (people who have major acne on cycles know the difference between small noninflammatory acne vs a full scale flare out).

You asked if someone uses, yes I do and that is just my protocol..

In regards to its production,it has been discontinued by Roche because so many generic brands have surfaced,however many generic brands are alive and well and aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Pharmacies all over Euro and Eastern Euro have full stock of Roche, It's still utilized in the US,but soon will be replaced by generic compounding groups.

It's dangerous shit,but so is AAS. Moderation and education as all I can say about this topic
What do u guys have against accutane? I really feel like it's person dependent. Yes it does come with some minor sides that can be treated easily and others u are taking a chance for the larger ones that guys have sued roacc for getting them.

I've ran accutane so much and often that I hardly even see any problem from it, but only benefits in fact. Yes it does stress the liver, but not NEARLY as much as oral steroids or drinking. My enzymes raised maybe by like 7 or something, but never passed the 40 mark and even NAC 1.2g have brought it down so well.

Benefits of accutane:
-stronger collagen yearly
-red marks, blemishes heal faster
-Lowers RBC cout/slows it down when test makes it rise.
-Much more youthful look
-Slows aging down the best out of all compounds
-Smooth skin app

The only time I see it being bad is when it's mixed with lots of other compounds that all effect the liver. U have to just watch it. For this reason I skipped my orals for most cycles and rather choose to run injectables.

I did however or am doing so right now: stack it with tren. Which does effect liver. I'll see the results on it when bloods come in the coming week.

PS: I will tell u man, as a guy who suffered from constant acne problems even BEFORE touching any AAS, accutane was my only solution. If acne/high sebum in general is in ur genetics or runs slightly in ur family, then ur going to get hit by it and it's just some of the most depressing things ever. The feeling that when u try everything on the market, day after day and u heal one spot and 3 more appear, it's just makes u want to stay home and feel like crap. I had to put up with this for a long time, accutane was the only thing that worked. The only people who can gree with me saying this is the ones that have gone through it themselves.

I run 40mg, sometimes 20mg ED. U don't need any crazy high doages in the 80's. If u run it from like 40mg ed for 8 months straight, ur acne will clear as long as it's getting absorbed well by taking it with fatty based foods. I take it with 3 eggs. Always worked for me.
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What do u guys have against accutane? I really feel like it's person dependent. Yes it does come with some minor sides that can be treated easily and others u are taking a chance for the larger ones that guys have sued roacc for getting them.

I've ran accutane so much and often that I hardly even see any problem from it, but only benefits in fact. Yes it does stress the liver, but not NEARLY as much as oral steroids or drinking. My enzymes raised maybe by like 7 or something, but never passed the 40 mark and even NAC 1.2g have brought it down so well.

Benefits of accutane:
-stronger collagen yearly
-red marks, blemishes heal faster
-Lowers RBC cout/slows it down when test makes it rise.
-Much more youthful look
-Slows aging down the best out of all compounds
-Smooth skin app

The only time I see it being bad is when it's mixed with lots of other compounds that all effect the liver. U have to just watch it. For this reason I skipped my orals for most cycles and rather choose to run injectables.

I did however or am doing so right now: stack it with tren. Which does effect liver. I'll see the results on it when bloods come in the coming week.

PS: I will tell u man, as a guy who suffered from constant acne problems even BEFORE touching any AAS, accutane was my only solution. If acne/high sebum in general is in ur genetics or runs slightly in ur family, then ur going to get hit by it and it's just some of the most depressing things ever. The feeling that when u try everything on the market, day after day and u heal one spot and 3 more appear, it's just makes u want to stay home and feel like crap. I had to put up with this for a long time, accutane was the only thing that worked. The only people who can gree with me saying this is the ones that have gone through it themselves.

I run 40mg, sometimes 20mg ED. U don't need any crazy high doages in the 80's. If u run it from like 40mg ed for 8 months straight, ur acne will clear as long as it's getting absorbed well by taking it with fatty based foods. I take it with 3 eggs. Always worked for me.

It really is person dependent.. I dont need much to start the treatment.. 40mgs loading and just a maintenance there after.. I hate saying this for reasons but, I run a lot of oral combos, thats a reason I limit my use on it, I target,blast, get in get out and maintain there after.. I notice less can be more. 10mgs daily worked GREAT for long durations when I needed it
I'm definitely more like you Mike. I've had it my whole life, from my neck to my knees. Tried everything, nothing worked. Started using Accutane 4 months ago because I couldn't control it. Started out at 60mgs, then 90mgs, now at 120mgs. Definitely seems to be a case by case basis, because I've been very fortunate with just some minor side effects. Been under dr's care and with the blood work and constant monitoring it's worked well, probably half of it is cleaned up now, mainly from my waist to knees is left. Just concerned about mixing it gear come January. Thanks for everyone's feedback.
I'm definitely more like you Mike. I've had it my whole life, from my neck to my knees. Tried everything, nothing worked. Started using Accutane 4 months ago because I couldn't control it. Started out at 60mgs, then 90mgs, now at 120mgs. Definitely seems to be a case by case basis, because I've been very fortunate with just some minor side effects. Been under dr's care and with the blood work and constant monitoring it's worked well, probably half of it is cleaned up now, mainly from my waist to knees is left. Just concerned about mixing it gear come January. Thanks for everyone's feedback.

If u run accutane with injectables, then ur acne will not come back during the cycle.

Since u are prone to it like me, u it's really worth loading up on accutane for 1-2 months prior to starting cycles with ur hormones fluctuating.

My brother also "HAD" a acne issue before, his derm told him to run it up to 80-100 ratios to clear it up, I told him after all my experiences to run only 40mg of it ED and his acne has cleared up so fast and good and he has been hit by little to no sides. I'm telling from being a person that runs it yearly, accutane works the best in the combo:

10,20,40mg ED + Fatty food (15-20g fat) + Long term.

The thing about high dosage and short duration is u will see a lot more of the dry side effects and feel worse. For some reason Derms have this mixed up.

if u are going to run it for 8 months only, I'd advise u to run it 2 more solid months AFTER all ur acne is gone. For some reason it really helps out by doing this cause if u cut it short, then the long term benefit it leaves in ur pores doesn't stay as solid. Doing this, u most likely won't suffer from acne again, but if u begin to cycle, then u need to hop back on accutane again
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I use accutane, the trick with acc is to treat and bail.. Low dose can work wonders!
My targeting protocol is 40mgs 3 days, 20mgs 7 days..10mgs EOD for 1-2 weeks.. It's gone there after. A dermo friend of mine suggested taking A dermo friend of mine suggested taking 10mgs 1 x a week here and there (to keep V-A like levels up) if I get any signs of a flareup (people who have major acne on cycles know the difference between small noninflammatory acne vs a full scale flare out).

If u run accutane with injectables, then ur acne will not come back during the cycle.

Since u are prone to it like me, u it's really worth loading up on accutane for 1-2 months prior to starting cycles with ur hormones fluctuating.

My brother also "HAD" a acne issue before, his derm told him to run it up to 80-100 ratios to clear it up, I told him after all my experiences to run only 40mg of it ED and his acne has cleared up so fast and good and he has been hit by little to no sides. I'm telling from being a person that runs it yearly, accutane works the best in the combo:

10,20,40mg ED + Fatty food (15-20g fat) + Long term.

The thing about high dosage and short duration is u will see a lot more of the dry side effects and feel worse. For some reason Derms have this mixed up.

He's spot on.. Low does for long durations has proven results. I do it all the time.

Like he said: Some dermos have it wrong..Im fortunately enough to have a good friend like I stated prior that is the opposite of most of her colleagues,fellow practitioners. Low dose long term yields better over all results
What do u guys have against accutane? I really feel like it's person dependent. Yes it does come with some minor sides that can be treated easily and others u are taking a chance for the larger ones that guys have sued roacc for getting them.

I've ran accutane so much and often that I hardly even see any problem from it, but only benefits in fact. Yes it does stress the liver, but not NEARLY as much as oral steroids or drinking. My enzymes raised maybe by like 7 or something, but never passed the 40 mark and even NAC 1.2g have brought it down so well.

Benefits of accutane:
-stronger collagen yearly
-red marks, blemishes heal faster
-Lowers RBC cout/slows it down when test makes it rise.
-Much more youthful look
-Slows aging down the best out of all compounds
-Smooth skin app

The only time I see it being bad is when it's mixed with lots of other compounds that all effect the liver. U have to just watch it. For this reason I skipped my orals for most cycles and rather choose to run injectables.

I did however or am doing so right now: stack it with tren. Which does effect liver. I'll see the results on it when bloods come in the coming week.

PS: I will tell u man, as a guy who suffered from constant acne problems even BEFORE touching any AAS, accutane was my only solution. If acne/high sebum in general is in ur genetics or runs slightly in ur family, then ur going to get hit by it and it's just some of the most depressing things ever. The feeling that when u try everything on the market, day after day and u heal one spot and 3 more appear, it's just makes u want to stay home and feel like crap. I had to put up with this for a long time, accutane was the only thing that worked. The only people who can gree with me saying this is the ones that have gone through it themselves.

I run 40mg, sometimes 20mg ED. U don't need any crazy high doages in the 80's. If u run it from like 40mg ed for 8 months straight, ur acne will clear as long as it's getting absorbed well by taking it with fatty based foods. I take it with 3 eggs. Always worked for me.

Can I ask where you got the above bolded info from? I've experienced nothing but the opposite since being on Tane.. my skin is weak as fuck on it, tears easily.. scars take foreverrrrrrrrrrr to heal/fade away.. My face looks like shit most of the time with bags under the eyes, dry skin all over, chapped lips etc.

I would not say I look more youthful at all lol. Is this simply your experience or did you find this data somewhere? Wish it was the same for me :(
Can I ask where you got the above bolded info from? I've experienced nothing but the opposite since being on Tane.. my skin is weak as fuck on it, tears easily.. scars take foreverrrrrrrrrrr to heal/fade away.. My face looks like shit most of the time with bags under the eyes, dry skin all over, chapped lips etc.

I would not say I look more youthful at all lol. Is this simply your experience or did you find this data somewhere? Wish it was the same for me :(

From my own personal experiences, I feel all that I stated above.

I know that it lowers RBC cause it's a chemotherapy drug and one of it's side effects is that it does this. Good for counteracting raise of RBC in terms of B.C users, but u still need to donate of course and opt out at the end. The RBC showed as proof in my bloodwork btw. Lower my WBC too, made some guys on here go wtf lol.

Here is a study of Accutane/retinoids:
Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety

Amongst the retinoids, tretinoin possibly is the most potent and certainly the most widely investigated retinoid for photoaging therapy. Although retinoids show promise in the treatment of skin aging, irritant reactions such as burning, scaling or dermatitis associated with retinoid therapy limit their acceptance by patients.

The efficacy of tretinoin in the treatment of photoaging was first demonstrated by Kligman and colleagues (1984) using an animal model of photoaging. The authors observed that treatment of photoaged mouse skin with tretinoin for 10 weeks resulted in a significant repair zone of new collagen in the papillary dermis, which also correlated with wrinkle effacement.

Long-term studies on tretinoin were carried out as short-term studies showed that the skin condition continued to improve in appearance over time.


There is a lot of stuff out there for it. It is person to person based, but if u want to see some results. Its best ran low dose, long term. U should hardly see sides vs the perks in this go.
I don't have steroid experience but I do have Acutane experience . One of the worst drugs on the market, can mess you up mentally & physically. Unfortunately it is the most effective, I had lifelong systic acne especially on my back, I finally gave up and took the dive and it worked but I had to keep going for blood tests. It's been almost a year since I stopped using it & my skin is still clear.
After what I have read about oral steroids, I really would not do pills the liver has gone through enough with that poison. I am Canadian and steroids are not illegal ,I discussed anabolic steroids with my family doctor & he urged me not to take the pills, but to do the needles instead as Acutane is also a dormant drug that can mess you up years later. I was never a depressed person but even after a year that has passed, I get into these terribly dark swings, they don't last long but God damn, they suck.
I hope that helped dude.
I was Put on it as a teen and it saved me I had bad acne within two mths it was gone I had to do blood once a mth to me it was a god send and I had no sides except I would burn if I did not wear sun screen
I don't have steroid experience but I do have Acutane experience . One of the worst drugs on the market, can mess you up mentally & physically. Unfortunately it is the most effective, I had lifelong systic acne especially on my back, I finally gave up and took the dive and it worked but I had to keep going for blood tests. It's been almost a year since I stopped using it & my skin is still clear.
After what I have read about oral steroids, I really would not do pills the liver has gone through enough with that poison. I am Canadian and steroids are not illegal ,I discussed anabolic steroids with my family doctor & he urged me not to take the pills, but to do the needles instead as Acutane is also a dormant drug that can mess you up years later. I was never a depressed person but even after a year that has passed, I get into these terribly dark swings, they don't last long but God damn, they suck.
I hope that helped dude.

I never understood that side effect: Depression...

U tell me u spent years and years suffering from acne and it bothered u THAT much that u would open urself to accutane with all the negatives that u believe about it, just to rid urself of the acne?

Then u become depressed after being done with it? So let me see..

Depressed with acne..Took accutane...Acne cleared...Still depressed...

Makes sense to me mate.

If anything u should feel better after being done with acne, there is a entire site dedicated to this, with all of them feeling depressed and suffering mentally from living with this all the time. U should look at ur life in general, I'm sure something else is bothering u and pushing it as a blame toward accutane..come on. I believe there are a lot of negative sides to this drug, but this isn't one. Over rated.
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Guys, thanks for all the comments. So, I've learned I should no use orals in this next cycle.

How does this sound?

T300, week 1-20, 2x300mgs per week
Deca, week 1-20, 2x200mgs per week
Mast E, week 1-20, 2x200mgs per week
Nolva/Clomid, week 22-25
Armidex, EOD
Hey guys

picked up on this thread and thought id ask a question while giving my symptoms/usage of acc

so i used it at 17 for facial acne, and it cleared completely and never returned

5 years on and being on trt i done my first 'blast'

Holy mother of god!

I won't post a pic because its that disgusting, but lets just say i have cystic blood nodules/white heads the size of 50p pieces all over my stomach/back/shoulders (not face) and can't lie down at night because of the pain and i cover anything i wear in blood (have to wear black T shirts).

I have started accutane prescribed at 40mg for a month and now 1 week into 60mg, its drying up the spots and making them turn to scabs so improving ever so slightly...

im not sure what caused the major flair up, it started when i went on holiday to ibiza and was constantly sweaty, but i have also noticed hairs growing more on my body and I'm not hairy at all... could it be pores being opened from the test/dht and hair growth?

either way its been horrific and I'm back on my trt dose.

estrogen has remained normal throughout but did get slightly high at one point...
i get little to no acne no matter what i take (except for my back), but i just want perfectly clear skin. so i recently ordered 2 months worth of accutane @ 10mg a day. i heard for people in my situation a small dose like that works wonders..