Experience with Test prop? NEED HELP!!!


New member
My girlfriend begged me to get her on AAS so I did some research and I had her run the Geneza Var for just about 8 weeks. I had her start at 5mg and gradually increased to 15. She took it upon herself to go to 20 though. She was on birth control at the time and as soon as she took the Var she began to have a constant blood flow so she stopped the birth control. After that cycle she ran **** Clen for 2 weeks pyramiding from 40mcg to 120mcg. Let me tell you that she is a personal trainer and is dedicated to the gym! She works out 7 days a week and sometimes twice a day. She is 5'3" 135lbs and 19% BF. She still is not happy with her look so I did research and seen that women can take 25mg of Test Prop every 6 days which she's been doing. She has done a total of 5 shots so far. She says that her clitoris is slightly bigger but I have not noticed. Is that due to the prop or the Var or Clen? If she continues to run the prop at such a low dose what side effects should she expect? Please help us out. She wants to do figure competitions or swimsuit comps and is not quite there yet. I recently heard that women run 25mg of proviron a day along with 10mg of Nolvadex. Is that a better choice and what would she expect from that? I know it's a lot of questions but we need your help. Thank you.
The clit enlargement is most likely due to the prop. If she wasn't having that side effect with Var before and just started having it with the test than it's obvious the test. Clen won't affect the clit. If she is not ready for a bikini competition with that amount of AAS than her diet and training is terribly terribly wrong.

Tell her to join the board and post up her diet.

Will she get side effects with test? Probably. Androgenizing ones so she had better be very very careful.

Var can cause side effects as well.

You guys need to back up a bit and start over.

Post the diet and training first before you start experimenting with everything. It sounds as if you both have no patience and are turning to AAS for results. Big mistake.