Failed PCT


New member
Okay guys i need some help i did a 4 week epistane/trenavar prohormone cycle, im too young and realize that now and wish i would have never even done it. But now i have to move forward and try to get back on my feet. My post cycle therapy (pct) was post cycle therapy (pct) revolution black, i didnt use a serm or anything like that and I'm thinking i needed one. Im 5 and a half weeks post cycle and still feel lethargic, and have low libido. I went and got blood test done at the 5 weeks post cycle mark and these are the results

Total test- about 400
Lsh and Fsh- about 6, a little over
Estrogen- 15

Also i did notice slight atrophy two weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) which i found a bit odd? not severe but still concerning

I now know how dumb this was, but that will not change the fact, im just looking for some advice on where i should go from here: Get some clomid, nolvadex? or wait it out? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
19 almost 20 and dude i know everyone is going to say im too young and i completely agree it was stupid, but now i need to move on and get everything straightened out because looking back on how dumb it was wont change things.

and ya i was thinking about getting some clomid and running if four 4 weeks to help speed up recovery, do you think that could also bring the boys back a bit quicker?
I just need some advice on how to speed up recovery, i know time is always helpful in getting back to normal, just asking for some advice here from people that are real knowledgeable with this stuff and i know many of you are.
Hey man. Try tribulus it will help bring yur libido up and fix limp dick. DAA may help get the balls working faster but in the end I believe it will just be time getting things back on track. I am in the exact same boat and have been for three months. It sucks a ton and is a hard lesson to learn but staying positive is the only way to overcome this. I suggest going to the doctor and talking to them. They are professionals and will help you through it. My doc said I will be fine over time but she said it can take quite a while for things to come back. can be a year before your back to your old self. I am sure you and I both will be fine but do not touch this shit ever again. I'm not...I didn't even mean to in the first place. Tell everyone who is under 25 that this shit aint worth's not worth it for anyone in my opinion. Even people in their thirties have the same thing happen to them that is happening to us. Spread the word and take the best care of your body you can and it will be okay.
Alright i think i might just go the clomid route seems to be the best protocol for my situation, do i need to take anything with clomid to avoid any estrogen rebound that may come with rising test levels? i heard there was a possibility of that when running clomid so should i run nolva along with it? just trying to get this second post cycle therapy (pct) plan set in stone now

JT19- ya man i know its not worth it now but cant look back gotta do what i can to fix this, i know time will definitely help with this matter
Anybody else out there agree I should try some clomid for a month? And if so do I need to run anything alongside it? I would really appreciate more input from anyone
Someone out there PLEASE resound to this i am still quite indecisive on what to do for this next pct because i want to get it right. Since my test levels are back up to 400 already which is not bad but obviously should be higher would it be okay to just run 50 mg of clomid for two weeks or is the full month of clomid necessary in this situation?
Get bloodwork. See where things are at

I bet ul need clomid for 4/5/6 wks or so @ 25-75mg ED

I'd start at 50 and get the bloodwork done. Post results here. U
I got bloodwork one week ago on march 26th, results:
Total test: 400
Lh and Fsh: both a little above 6
Estrogen: 15
I still feel like the boys are a bit smaller than what im used to and i feel lethargic most of the day but ya i think im going to get some clomid to speed up recovery, these crash symptoms blow
oh ya ill try to bring up the whole thing i was just slightly rounding those numbers since they vary a little each day anyway