Failed PCT

My doc said 4-6 weeks as well but she also said thats just average. She said some people dont even get shutdown hard when they do them and recover really quick...others take months and slowly but surely recover. Everyone is different
I will dude. I'll keep you updated and you do the same for me. Hopefully we will beat this shiaaat together brah!
I have no idea what that is. I just know when I get bloodwork done it takes about 5 days for the results to come back
Can anyone help
Looking at buying some fat strippers but new to it can anyone tell me the best to take and how many etc
I'm 30 and about 13 stone 10 pounds wanting to lose a good stone a d half in 2 months
Just joined gym but need bit of a push I think
Lots of guys have shitty post cycle experience. Don't let it throw you off.
Gotta get back on the bike! Just do it right next time! (When you're older)
Just run clo for a month and see where you're at bro!
jave3- thanks bro i love the optimism it really helps and trust me ill never touch anything like this again the rest of my life, ever. I just ordered clomid and am going to run it for a month and then after two weeks off get a blood test and i believe i will be sitting pretty. Getting a lot of sleep and keeping up a good diet right now to help things move along.
It's guys like jave3 that make this site good! I love optimism and people actually trying to help. There are way to many guys out there that like to tell us we are screwed for life and scare us. When someone has made a mistake bringing them down is not what needs to be done..When someone is about to make a mistake that is when you convince them and scare them out of doing it
exactly man and i have friends that took the same cycle I did and said they went through a similar phase and then bounced back and i know everybody is different but just saying
Damn guys don't beat yourself up over it. Its not like to smoked a fuckload of meth and stayed up for days and crushed your GH Levels. You did what you did and you cant take it back. Just Blast HCG at 1000mcg Twice a week for 2 weeks then start runnin clomid at 100/100/50/50. Its ok youll be fine, just don't do it again. If your gonna, do real test and wait till your 25.
what was your test levels before this fiasco? That might just be your normal test range.
it's hard not to beat myself up over it. it's been just over 3 months of shit because of them. I just want to be normal and healthy again
Ya i feel the JT my normal life sounds great right now,but we gotta try to be optimistic. So SicVic do you imagine we will make full recoveries from such short cycles and this be the only time doing one and will never be doing anything like this again? and i don't have access to hcg but I'm going to do clomid for a month starting pretty soon.
I'm still not sure if a second post cycle therapy (pct) is the right thing...then again I can't call my first post cycle therapy (pct) even a proper post cycle therapy (pct). I think I should get my blood results first and talk to my doctor about doing a post cycle therapy (pct) and if she doesn't know then I want her to send me to a endocrinologist who specializes in hormones.
ya my blood test say i need another post cycle therapy (pct) cause the first post cycle therapy (pct) was shit and all clomid can do is help with hpta recovery it doesn't hurt it at all
Whats up man and no still waiting for clomid to come in, it should be here by this friday hopefully if not early next week. Im really hoping it kicks my shit into gear i know it is quite reliable for jump starting hpta and mine was not all that shutdown since i had test level of 400 but know it should due higher. How are you feeling man?