Fat Loss Cycle for beginners


New member
Hello guys,
first I want to apologise as I did not have a good look to see if there is another topic like mine.
I am a 27 years old male 241 Lbs 5"11 feet tall and I think that my body fat is about 27%.
I tend to think of myself as Endomorph as I can easily gain weight on a whim.
Through my life I've done quite a lot of dieting as I used to wrestle professionally for 8 years so gaining and loosing weight was part of my daily life, but with time it is getting more and more difficult.
2013 I began my journey to loose weight and I've lost 60 lbs in 4 months of time, naturally dieting and cardio ( i will attach some photos )View attachment 565117View attachment 565118.
But after a while I gained too much weight most of it fat as my dieting went to hell.View attachment 565119

I am now trying to get back on my feet and I want to do it right. I've decided to join the people that are taking steroids for many reasons, due to my working schedule I feel tired all the time, weak. I've been workings nights over the past 8 years and I am left with the impression that I am always tired even after 10 hours of sleep.

Anyway long story short I bought myself Clen, Tren A and Test P.
I know things work differently for anyone since we are all different but I am looking for a cycle that would be optimal for someone like me, I am a complete beginner so any advise would be welcome.
Regarding budged it is not a problem, I just want to cut down a good portion of my weight, I would be happy with 15% BF.
I've actually bought a few other things.
My supplementation list looks like this:
Clen, Anavar, Tren A, Test P, Test C, Rumadex, total ( Clomid, nolva ) pct.
I am thinking to do 12 weeks and its going to look like this
Week 1-4 Test C 100 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Tren A 100 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Anavar 0.5 mg EOD
Week 1-12 Clen 40 mg two days ON two days OFF
Week 4-12 Test P 100mg EOD
Week 1-12 Rumadex 1 tablet a day
Total PCT 4 days after last TEST injection.

I would like some advises, I've increased the cardio for now and gradually decreased the carbs as I am trying to get to 20% BF before I engage this cycle.

I am anticipating advises, c`mon people 100 views not a single comment :P.
Steroids aren't meant for fat loss.

Do not inject anything.
Do not start popping pills.
You've little clue what you're getting into, especially considering running 3 types of AAS and TREN for your first run.

First thing to do is decide to get down to where you were in the picture where you're fairly ripped. Then you can think about a cycle.

In the mean time you need to go get bloods drawn and see why you feel so tired all the time. You could be hypogonadal. Get hormones, complete blood count and thyroid checked then post your results here.

You've either got hormone issues or a lack of discipline considering your yo-yo-ing physique. Either one of those precludes you from running a cycle IMO.

Don't start that cycle. Read all the stickies at the top of the main forum.
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