fat loss/muscle gain program


New member
I need some suggestions for a complete diet/exercise/lifting program that would help me cut fat and increase my strength before next football seaon, which starts in June. My stats are:

Weight: 280
Height: 6'1
BF% - 33%

I have not been lifting hard for very long, so i have a long way to go in 5 months. My goal is to cut about 30lbs of fat and increase my main lifts by at least that much. Hopefully i will end up at about 240, maybe less. I play center so the extra mobility and strength would really help me out. Also, what supplements should i take? (I am assuming a good whey protein and creatine) I was possibly thinking about trying some orals, but i would really like to reach my natural limits before i go messing with that stuff. Any info you guys could share would be helpful.
No Steroids first off:

Diet: 450g Protein
275g Carbs
50g Fat

3,350 kcals (It is a lot of protein but if you want to add any muscle while trying to strip away this fat you will have to get 450g)

Cardio: 30 min - 5x / week (Add 5 min Every 2 weeks)

After about 12 weeks you'll be at 1 hour cardio daily, you can then procede to drop your kcals down.

I would drop 25g Carbs every 2 weeks. You'll be feeling tired but after your 5 months of pain you can reintroduce carbs back into your diet while lowering your protein.

At your age concentrate on getting your food in: Its expensive and supplements will not be that much benefit right now.

I would suggest a Multivitamin and thats about it:
280 lbs at age 18 .. im impressed ... what position do you play (if you dont mind me askin) i love football :D. because of my smaller size i have few options though ...
Heh, i play center and HOPEFULLY d-line!!! That is one of the reasons i want to lose some weight, so i can get the snap off quicker and be able to catch those skinny bastards at second level =P. Also, much of that 280lbs is fat. I bench about 230 (lmao), squat a good 370, and my clean needs much improvement, thats all im going to say.


Oh, how will i be able to even APPROACH 450g or protein without supplementing it? That is a lot of chicken breast! Do you think i will be able to drop that much if i follow the plan?
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You will definantly be able to drop that much if you follow a strick diet and train your ass off. Those days when you say "oh I don't feel like going to the gym today" are over. Go work your ass off. Also follow a diet, don't slip and you will have no problem working of that extra fat. DISCIPLINE!!!!!
Heh like we say on our team, PTP (Pay the Price). Thats what its all about. I couldnt think of a better bunch of people to work my ass off for, well, including myself. Just got back from the gym (about a week into lifting every day again) and my lifts are starting to go back up even though i ran out of creatine. Anyway, thanks for the help and i will make sure to check in regularly, if you guys dont mind responding that much lol.
I don't consider "Protein Powder" a supplement. Supplements in my opinion are things like glutamine, creatine, andro products.

Use a nice Whey Protein. "Isopure Zerocarb" is my choice for clients.

Aim for 75g Protein / meal (6 meals / day).

Half of your protein should come from "Protein Powder"

I know its a lot but for the little time you have you have to use extreme measures.
wanna hear something funny ...
when i was in the mfl .. football league where i live..

coach put me center... best center in the league too .. i was shocked.. i was really light (but strong) . still, strenght aside... why center lol ... next year i got safety though :D

i hope u lose that weight bro.. get some explosive "chop blocks" goin on lol
Dirk knows what he is talking about, you deffinately need to increase your protein intake if you want to have a chance of losing all that weight. Protein powder is a must, and you need to learn to drink those shakes religiously otherwise there is NO way you are going to take in 450g of protein. DEDICATION and DISCIPLINE are the key