Fat malabsortion caused by Nolva/Clomid? HELP!


New member
Hey guys, so I've been struggling a lot with super fast weightloss during PCT, MUCH worse than I have ever experienced and I've seen a doctor (gastroenterologue) and made a ton of research and I seem to suffer fat malabsortion (diarrhea, stinky and sticky stools.. I'll spare you the rest of the gross details) which would explain the weightloss.. We can't seem to put a finger on the cause and it happened pretty much out of the blue.. The doctors keep asking me though if I take medication and appearantly some medication can be really hard on the liver, thus making unable to produce an adequate amount of bile to properly digest the fat. I know this is a pretty tough and specialized question but by any chance any of you is really knowledgeable and can tell me if there can be any link between this and Nolva/Clomid?? Are they really hard on the liver? Thanks.
Have you had any blood work done after your cycles to know where u stand with your natural test levels ... This can be a huge part of the reason you are losing so much weight specifically after your cycles . Clomid and Nolva may help to restart natural test productions again if you are very low . As far as i know they are not hard on the liver . I think blood work may be what u need to have done
Clomid and Nolva are both metabolized hepatically and excreted renally.

So you have blood work to see if your liver is in fact not functioning optimally?
They seem to think it's fine but they also thought my stools were normal which they are clearly not..

A virus can cause what you're experiencing as well. I don't have a gallbladder, which means that if I eat a ton of fat, I won't be able to digest it as well (if at all). Not to be gross, but I would hardly call the result sticky - just puddles of oil; much like what the old weight loss drugs would cause.

They ask about medications to rule that out. If your bilirubin is elevated, that is (in my experience) when they start looking in that direction.

Hope you get better soon and find out what's going on. :)
Ok well I'm not sure it's malabsorption of fat in particular but I certainly am not absorbing at least a part of my macros.. I've been having really weird stools gas and nausea and been losing a TON of weight constantly for the past 2 weeks even though I'm eating the same amount of calories and not doing anything physical whatsoever.. I don't know what to do..
Ok well I'm not sure it's malabsorption of fat in particular but I certainly am not absorbing at least a part of my macros.. I've been having really weird stools gas and nausea and been losing a TON of weight constantly for the past 2 weeks even though I'm eating the same amount of calories and not doing anything physical whatsoever.. I don't know what to do..

*Disclaimer: Going to be talking about poop again*

When you say sticky, are your stools black, or DARK brown, resembling coffee grounds by chance?
Nono you don't understand the weightloss... It is INSANE and clearly related to this digestive problem..

Water comprises 75% of our bodies. Water weighs roughly 8lbs per gallon. Diarrhea/frequent watery bowel movements can eliminate a great deal of water rapidly. I have personally lost over 20lbs in a matter of days from losing a tremendous amount of body water when in the hospital as the idiot nurses didn't believe me when I told them I drank around 3 gallons of water a day, and they limited me to around a half gallon while being on a diuretic. You are NOT losing muscle mass that rapidly, I promise you.