Feedback on my cycle Please


New member
Needing some input on my cycle and to double check things before I start it up. Planning on competing in physique comp in near future.

8% BF

10 week cycle of 2cc tren/ 1cc sus 250 a week
weeks 1-12: Aromasin (12.5 mg ED)
weeks 1-10: Pramipexole (.25 mg ED)
weeks 2-11: hCG 500iu a week
weeks 12-15: Nolvadex (40,40,20,20)
Please list:
Cycle and training experience
MG's of compounds and ester attached NOT CC's (sus 250 @ 1cc is obvious but tren needs to be stated clearly)
Age 25
3rd cycle and been training for 6 years (2 years with strict diet)
Tren ace, 100mg per cc, so 200mg weekly
Gain a lean 5-10 pounds and stay around 10-12 BF%
Well I was actually going to run it 100mg E3D. I would like to run it 100mg twice a week (mon & thurs) if possible, but I know the active life of tren ace is only 3 days, am I able to run it like that?