As far as sides go what are you having cause this is the type of cycle my wife is looking at but I'm not sure if she should get into it cause she was crazy on test p.
I've had oily skin on 10 mg/day. That's the only negative side so far. Because of the oily skin I have a couple small pimples but they come and go within a day. But I am only on day 15.
Today I did legs/shoulders before work. It was a shorter workout so I really just did lateral raises, squats, RDLs and dumbbell press. Squat maxed out at 135 lbs and I had to have a spot on some reps. RDL was also 135. Dumbbell press I did using 32.5s so that was a PR for me, and lateral raises I used 17.5 for a couple sets which is also heavier than I usually go.