Female newbie needs advice - Clen + Ketogenic Diet


New member
Hi all,

I'm a 22 year old, 5'5" female interested only in weight loss. I've been on a strict ketogenic diet for 2 months now and have gone from 190lbs to 158lbs in 8 weeks. Daily I'm taking in 0-5g carbs, high fat, and moderate protein. Recently some clenbuterol has come my way, but I can't find any concrete information on its effect with a ketogenic diet. I plan on running a two week course starting at 20mg, increasing by 20mg daily until 120 mg and running 120 until day 14, or less depending on how I feel. I'll take taurine with it daily and benedryl immediately after the 2 week cycle. I don't plan to continue with clen since I only have enough for two weeks. I've never taken any dietary supplements before to aid with weight loss. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!

Man. Congrats on the weight loss...two months? Have you taken any breaks?

I'm a female too so I'd love to help. I also have a lot of experience with both keto and clen.

Even when I'm prepping for a show, if I do keto to lose fat before carb cycling, I only go two full weeks without a cheat meal. You need to replenish your body, not only that but you will hit a plateau if you don't change it up..

Clen is alright but honesty I've never experienced mind blowing effects from it. I guarantee if you shocked your body right now with some carb cycling you would accelerate your weight loss with no need for the clen.
you lost 38lbs in 8 weeks.. youve been starving yourself.. your metabolism is very slow at this point..

youre going to go through a ********* rebound effect when you start eating normally..

do you know what your caloric intake is?? whats your training/cardio routine?
Clen is not my favourite. It makes me jittery and shity feeling. Talk with 3J, he is the resident nutrition guru on Ology, he'll set you strait
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Great advice in here already, but I'll also add that if you haven't picked up the clen, it's MUCH easier on you to take ECA (ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin). As you're already in ketosis, you probably aren't facing the nasty induction shakes anymore, but as someone that has done both keto and clen; I can say it's not a welcome feeling and tends to make you hungry. ECA doesn't have that effect on me and still has that awesome energizing effect that you're probably looking for from the clenbuterol.

My .02c :)