Final 3J cutting diet results/review!


New member
Hey guys,

My old thread with my final results and review of 3Js service got all messed up so here's another one for those new-comers asking about nutrition and diet!

So as you all know from my old post, I have been on Keto with 3J for about 16 weeks. The outcome was amazing and I've been the leanest I've ever been in my life. I was always on the bigger side and have never seen lower abs on me, until now of course! Thanks to 3J and his guidance, i am now in the best shape of my life!

Communication: 3J will answer all questions promptly. He has business hours and also has a personal life but regardless he makes sure to answer back in a timely manner. His answers are kept simple and clear and sometimes detailed but STILL simple! He will also keep it 100% real with you. He has a no BS approach to things that also shouldn't be done!
Knowledge & Guidance: I say that this is where 3J's service shines; and really, this is what you hire a coach for! 3J knows when to move forward with diet changes, what to add, what to take away, when to add cardio and what to get you through that plateau that we all hate and get confused about.
Pricing:THIS IS WHERE 3J TAKES THE CAKE! All his services are affordable and he also has sales throughout the year to keep you coming back for more! I say for his knowledge he SHOULD be charging a bit more lol. No need to hire coaches that will give you the same advice for triple 3Js prices. There should be NO REASON as to why you shouldn't hire him when in dire need of nutritional guidance. All the gear/workouts in the world won't do you any good without some nutritional expertise behind you. If you have money to spend on supplements, you should have money for this inexpensive guidance that will give you results far greater than you will imagine. Do yourself a favor, those hundred bucks you're gonna spend on a pre workout, creatine and Bologna; invest it on some nutritional guidance by 3J.

Final results
Here they are, two pictures that show the biggest difference. Went from 245 and over 14% BF to 210 and about 8.5% BF.
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Guess what time it is now... To make some massive gains!! Yes I bulk in the summer so whaaaaaat lol controlled of course! Big thanks to 3J and his services!
Thats an amazing progress you made bro. hats off to you and 3j . he def is the best and it shoes you put in ur hard work.
well done!
Haha thanks guys!

Ghost, that was me with no carbs and horribly hungry but yet super tanned from the California beaches. Now I get to eat ;D

Ohhh which beach did you hit?

And if you don't mind, can you post up a pic of what you look like comfortably?Like as in not mega hungry and not carb deprived. I just want to see how much of a difference it makes and if I should do it myself when I hit the beaches
Ohhh which beach did you hit?

And if you don't mind, can you post up a pic of what you look like comfortably?Like as in not mega hungry and not carb deprived. I just want to see how much of a difference it makes and if I should do it myself when I hit the beaches

Yeah bro no prob.this is a day after having normal amount of carbs (since I was on keto this was consider a carb up, but it wasn't anything crazy it was about 300g carbs which is normal) notice the difference in lower an region, not as crazy defined. And I hit up Laguna beach
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Remember this is with a CONTROLLED amount of carbs during a carb up.... If you wanna see how I looked after chicken and waffles and in-n-out burger let me know lmao

By the way the thumbnail attached is how I look during the middle of my carb up day I believe it was about 8Pm and I started my carb up at 12pm. It's a pic I posted up in my other thread I think that day I looked my best
damn dude even on the 300g carb days you look great. good job. what cycle are you running in those pics?

and Laguna is a good beach. Very clean. However if you can, I tell all my out of state people to hit Cali for 4th of July. Newport Beach(10 min north of Laguna) they close down all the roads and it turns into a giant party. The streets are flooded with people everywhere. Every beach house is bumping music and partying it up and most will invite you in as well as the people in RV's. It's insane. Hot drunk girls that just want to touch abs. It's the wildest day party you can go to. I'm sure you got plans this year but I highly suggest it next year.
damn dude even on the 300g carb days you look great. good job. what cycle are you running in those pics?

and Laguna is a good beach. Very clean. However if you can, I tell all my out of state people to hit Cali for 4th of July. Newport Beach(10 min north of Laguna) they close down all the roads and it turns into a giant party. The streets are flooded with people everywhere. Every beach house is bumping music and partying it up and most will invite you in as well as the people in RV's. It's insane. Hot drunk girls that just want to touch abs. It's the wildest day party you can go to. I'm sure you got plans this year but I highly suggest it next year.

I loved Cali so much I even want to move there. This was actually a business trip and my company treated me to outings on the last 2 days.

By the way, 300g carbs for me is not a lot and unfortunately I hold water way too easy when I reach a certain point. I don't know what it is, I have to be extremely deprived to look really good (which is the norm maybe?) idk how guys can eat over 500g carbs and still have a ridiculous looking midsection. Maybe the Tren is fucking with my kidneys and their ability to release water lol but my cycle for the first 12 weeks was Tren A 500 Test E 125 weekly. Weeks 12-16 Tren A 600, Test P 600, Mast P 600 (this is because I'm using a blend) and Winny 75mg a day (didn't like it) and HGH 4iu a day.

Keeping things the same for my bulk maybe a little more Tren. Adding Slin and upping HGH to 7iu a day. Added DBol 40 mg but stopped it, I forgot how horrible one can look on that DBol bloat. gonna see how these gains turn out this time with the added peptides. Hope it goes well.
Oh! Last question for you, did you happen to measure your waist size in that first pic where you're 8.5%?
Oh! Last question for you, did you happen to measure your waist size in that first pic where you're 8.5%?

Nah bro but my measurement was about 3 days before that... I believe waist size was at 32. Stomach at belly button was like 31.1
he showed me the final photoshoot pics.. man i wish he could post that shit up..

dude looks like a aztec god handling iron.. :D
he showed me the final photoshoot pics.. man i wish he could post that shit up..

dude looks like a aztec god handling iron.. :D

Lmaoo thanks bro!

I'm gonna ask if they have one without the brand name on it so I can post or you can use before and after example