Finally!!!! Prop and Var!


New member
Just got my Z shipment in and im very excited.

BF - I dont know exactly but if i had to guess would be 13-14%.

Ive been working out off and on for about 10 years. Pretty hard and smart the last 2.

I got 20 ml (100mg/ml)of Z line domestic prop and Z line Anavar 50 pills (50mg each) and also some Axio vars left over (10mg each). Nolva for PCT.

I want to get hard on this cycle with the gear im planning on doing more cardio and being able to keep my muscle. I expect to be around the same weight when im finished if not within 5 to 10 pounds more or less.

I have 2 ideas in mind.

Weeks 1-10 Prop 100mg EOD
Weeks 2-8 Anavar (var) 50mg ED


Weeks 1-8 Prop EOD
Weeks 2-8 Anavar (var) 50 mg ED.

I have enough prop so i dont know if i should just use it for the 10 weeks or if it would be overkill.
Maybe my math is different than yours, but how do you get 8 or 10 weeks out of 20 injections of prop eod @ 100mg per inj.? That would be 40 days, or 5.5 weeks.
ha im flying through the prop on my cycle. 10ml vials don't last long. prop and Anavar (var) would be a sweet cycle. Simple. Good lean gains I would imagine too.
nah i would just to get the prop in your system before u start the var. then the var will kick in and u'll see more gains and hopefully harden u up. and i would probably end them both at the same time. Then 5 days later start pct.
you should always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case ...

^^^ great advice. I doubt you'll need it, though. Have any Proviron? That would probably combat the majority of any estrogenic effects on this cycle as well. I've actually used AndroHard, a DHT prohormone for this purpose and it works great.