finally stopped pining!


New member
6'1 230 9% bf 26 yrs old. Been cycling on and off for approximately 4 years. 1 year ago i started my test A,Tren A cycle but i got hooked up with a girl at the end and i did not want to get off the test and go through my usual 1-3 months of low libido and not wanting sex. I dropped the tren and maintained the test p at 300mg a week. i got tired of pinning EOD so i implemented test E along with Prop. by the time my TEST E was good in my system i droped the prop and cruised on 300mg a week for 1 year and maybe 2 or 3 months.

never thought id say this but i got so frustrated and fed up with pinning and gear in general that i started to taper of my dose and reading about PCT for cruising cycles,TRT etc. did 150mg a week for 2 months. my balls grew in size a bit by the end of those 2 months i guess from the low dose. i droped the test and then i started 500 iu of HCG EOD,3G D-Aspartic acid, 2g tribulus, 20mg of nolva the same day as my last pin. once i was done with 3 weeks of HCG i waited 4 days and added 50mg Clomid to the other pills and maintained nolva.

i maintained the DAA,20MG NOLVA,TRIBULUS,CLOMID for 4 weeks after my last HCG ping. I was expecting my PCT to be dreadful with bad moods,low libido, loss of gains. I dunno what it was but i gained 5 pounds, my muscles got harder, i got leaner, stamina and libido through the roof. im on just bioforge v3 test booster right now and i feel great. my sperm count went from 0 to being in the 30 + million range. balls are huge

thought id share my experience of how great pleasurable of a turnout of events my PCT was.

dont know if ill ever cycle again and if i do im for sure going to make it 6-8 weeks. >>>>>> HCG from the GET!!!!!!<<<<<<
i feel extremely lucky i was able to recover without permanent damage.