finishing m-1-t cycle wondering what to expect


New member
So I have 2 more days left to this m-1-t cycle. I think 10 mg for the first week 20 for the second third and fourth. I think I have seen some good gains across the board with all my exercises but I will just mention the bench press. before my cycle I did 275 for five reps on my first set. The first week I didn't see any change, second week I did 275 for 7, third week 275 for 9 and on thursday I hope to do atleast 275 for 10. But on this last week it seems like most of my other exercises are not making as significant of gains as on the other weeks. I am not sure why that is. Maybe I have two much estrogen built up. Maybe I should have been taking clomid this last week. Maybe it normal that on the fourth week you kind of don't feel like working out and when you finally do force yourself to you don't perform up to par. I guess I am wondering what to expect in the next coming weeks. Will I have lost all my gains. Even though they may sound good. The truth is I am happy as is but I will not be happy if I loose some of that strength, that is if the following week I can only bench 275 for 7 or 8. Is there any other steps I can take to avoid loosing gains, besides 150mg of clomid for the first week and 6 tabs of 6 OXO for the first week following by 2 weeks of 5 6OXO tabs and one week of 3 tabs.
m1t can do a number on you - it is one of the most suppressive steroids in existance... clomid and 6oxo is fine (though against swales protocol) i would continue the clomid for a little longer.