First 1-Androsterone cycle

It's gonna be pretty mild, especially at the recommended dosage, but as long as your training and diet are locked in you should still make some gains. I've seen guys run other 1-andro/1-dhea products at pretty high doses, but have been very curious about the AMS stuff but haven't really ever been able to find any logs or hear from anybody who has ran it.

As far as result expectation, hard to say because most I know who have ran this compound ran it in a stack.
But you "should" be able to achieve the following:
Some fat loss
Some muscle hardening
some strength increase

I'd say you'd be better off running 6 weeks as a slightly higher dosage (would obviously need more than 1 bottle), but if you're wanting to run the bottle at the recommended dosage and see what you get out of it, I say go for it and throw up a log or an overall review once you're done (I have some of their 4-ad that I was probably going to toss into my summer cycle, and was thinking about scooping some of their 1-andro to throw in with it, so I'm definitely curious to hear what you think).
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Since this is my first cycle I didn't want something super strong. For the next Ill get something that is, I just don't know what yet. Yea, Ill keep you updated on this 1-andro.