First and only cycle help !!!!


New member
Hi fellas,

I'm looking for some help/advice.... Iv been going to the gym 4 times a week for about 3 1/2 years not being happy with the gains over this time. iv (after alot of thinking) decided to give steroids a go.. I only intend on doing the one cycle as I don't want to be huge... I have bought test 500 and deca 200, I intend on doing 10 week 1ml/w of both halved over the week 1/2ml mon and 1/2 on a thurs as advised by a mate who has also done the Exact same cycle and I must admit looks pretty amazing, so again just after some advice, is this cycle too weak ? Not long enough time frame ? Ect..... Many thanks. Ade
id run the test only since its your first cycle. and i seriously doubt you will do only one cycle and call it quits after that. the reason to run test only is so that when you get side effects you know what its from. after you run a successful test only cycle then you add another compound cause you will know how you react to test. also get your post cycle therapy (pct) before you start and also run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle so your balls dont shrink and recover faster after the cycle. get bloodwork done before and after the cycle. the before is the baseline and the after is to see if you have recovered to your normal levels. if you dont get it done before you will have nothing to compare it with other than what the normal ranges are.