First cycle advice needed


New member
, hey guys I just recently got back into working out I've been working as hard now for 3 months straight train 5 days a week to 215 38 years old just started a cycle of test 400 and deca looking for some advice
Are you looking for advice ,, or support for you already starting a cycle and just now looking for advice.!!??

You should know and have all your advice ahead of time before your first pin
I haven't started yet I've ordered it I just looking for advice on how to use the gear.. Started was a misspell
I haven't started yet I've ordered it I just looking for advice on how to use the gear.. Started was a misspell

My advice is to put the AAS somewhere dark/cool/dry for the next 9 months. Being out of the gym for an extended period of time, followed by a gear-driven bounce back is a recipe for disaster. Your connective tissues need time to adjust, and they do not grow nearly as fast as your muscles - especially when on AAS. This is compounded by the fact that testosterone decreases collagen synthesis and deca has very little positive effect on it (it does, but not enough in this case).

I also don't see mention of a PCT or an AI. These are just as important as the anabolics if not more so. Please take your time and read up on the stickies, they'll help you learn the basics and help you identify questions that you still may have lingering.

Welcome to ology!

My .02c :)