*First Cycle Advice* Test E


New member
Hey looking for advice on how this cycle looks:
Weeks 1-12 Test E - 500mg/week - 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex - .25mg EOD
Weeks 2-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - 500 Ius - taken at 250Ius when Test E is taken followed with 500Ius ED 10 days after cycle up to post cycle therapy (pct)
Weeks 14-18 post cycle therapy (pct) - Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Trying to get a shopping list put together here so let me know if this looks alright. Thanks!
Looks pretty good to me... Adex .25 EOD is good to start with, but get bloodwork done halfway through and see where your E2 lands... may need to bump up to .5 EOD (or if you start experiencing gyno)
Finally.someone who looks like they read the stickies! Haha looks good bro
If you want on.your first week of post cycle therapy (pct) you can jump the Clomid dose to 75...some do 100...
Quick question though...
Age? Height? Weight? Bf%? Years of training? How much do you eat and how often?
Finally.someone who looks like they read the stickies! Haha looks good bro
If you want on.your first week of post cycle therapy (pct) you can jump the Clomid dose to 75...some do 100...
Quick question though...
Age? Height? Weight? Bf%? Years of training? How much do you eat and how often?

26 years old, 180 (not going to start cycle until during my upcoming bulk so hopefully be 190+ when I start) bf around 12-13. Been training for 5 years. I am currently in the middle of my cut now but regardless I eat 6-7 meals a day.
K cool
But your main focus needs to be your diet...that's where the gains come from :)
Good luck and thank you for not posting up an ignorant first cycle :)
If your last Test pin is at the end of week 12 and you start PCT at the beginning of week 14, that's only a 1 week break. 15-18 days is best for Test E. PCT should be fine as listed. 1/4mg EOD of Adex is an OK place to start, but increase it at the first sign of puffy/itchy nipples. You should take your last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin 4 days before PCT begins. Don't run it right up 'til PCT starts.

Overall, one of the better first-cycles we've seen in a while.
If your last Test pin is at the end of week 12 and you start PCT at the beginning of week 14, that's only a 1 week break. 15-18 days is best for Test E. PCT should be fine as listed. 1/4mg EOD of Adex is an OK place to start, but increase it at the first sign of puffy/itchy nipples. You should take your last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pin 4 days before PCT begins. Don't run it right up 'til PCT starts.

Overall, one of the better first-cycles we've seen in a while.

That's what I meant it to say. I was going to do PCT 14 days after cycle. Just typing it I guess it just made sense to end at week 12 and start at week 14 but yes, I was planning on waiting 14 days before starting which would run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 10 days blast after last test pin (4 days before PCT). Thanks for the responses btw
dont take any AIs unless you need to.. its a wast and no point adding extra drugs in your system.

This was one of the things I read some conflicting things on. Some say not to take it until symptoms show, but others say that even if you dont show symptoms that your est is still going to go up and better to keep it at bay with a low dose of adex throghout
dont take any AIs unless you need to.. its a wast and no point adding extra drugs in your system.

Show me your blood work indicating you don't have elevated estradiol levels while on cycle. Please, I DARE you. Estradiol is a carcinogen, so I'd much rather have "extra drugs" in my system than increase my chances of getting prostate cancer, thankyouverymuch.