First cycle after 2 years


New member
Ok its been a while since ive been in this game. Here are some stats,

28 years old, 5ft 11in tall, 12-14%BF. 195lbs

2 years ago I was 11%bf 235lbs. Previous cycles #4. Cycle 1 Test E 600mg 8 weeks, Cycle 2 Test E 600mg Deca 600mg 10 weeks, Cycle 3 Sust 250 3X week, TrenA 100 ED for 6 weeks, Cycle 4, Test 800mg week, deca 600mg week, Anadrol 50mg ED, Ran anadrol for 4 weeks, and the rest of the cycle for 14 weeks.

Ok so here I am today, 195. Been lifting for 3 months now. I was hospitalized for a few months last year and the year before. Im all healthy now. Getting newb gains back at the gym. Here is my cycle plan,

Test CYP 250 @ 600mg per week 12 weeks
Deca 300 @ 400mg per week 12 weeks
Wait 2 weeks after last injections, Start Clomid 100mg everyday week 1, then 50mg everyday weeks 2-4, Nolva 60mg everyday week 1 then 40mg everyday weeks 2-4.

I was thinking about adding Dbol at the beginning, but im starting to lean against it. I would rather save it for my next cycle.

My goals are I would like to get back to where I was eventually. My diet and training program are on point. I used to study dieting and training relentlessly and undesrtand the importance. I only had Gyno issues with Tren. I have NEVER used PCT in the past. Im pretty sure it shut me down bad, bc it took me 1 whole year almost to the day to get my wife pregnant after my last shot. (We were trying.) Been over 2 years since I have had ANY juice. I know I should train more to keep the newb gains going, but I really emjoy it. Im planning on starting this june 1st. I went from 172 to 195 in 3 months. Thats because I went from nothing, to right back at it like a pro. Calculating my protein, carbs, fats, on a specific diet I adjusted every 5 lbs I gained and training like I know how. So, for a first cycle after a couple years off what do you guys think? Should I wait until I hit a wall to start? Or just cycle now because I know Im going to be at the gym like I used to and be ahead of the game by the time I take my 18 weeks off before I start my 2nd new cycle? Thank you in advanced for reading.
Welcome !

How refreshing. A comprehensive overview and honest bio. Cycle s reasonable. W deca I d punch it out to 16 weeks but...
Get some arom and prami for gyno control, water control, hcg for ball maintenance and do pct which I know nothing about.
If your gain s keep coming stay natty as long as u can stand it lol.
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nice post, several previous cycles under your belt, but not one mention of an AI. did you run an AI on your last cycles? you said you got gyno in the past , I'm assuming with the test/Tren run you did not run and AI or a DA. with a test/deca cycle, you need to know how to proactively run/dose your AI and DA , like caber.

if your NOT experienced with controlling your estrogen and knowing how your body responds, and in tune enough to dial in your AI dose without blood work every 3 weeks ,, then I would stay away from Dbol right now. its hard enough to dial it in with just test and deca, you throw in the highest aromoatzing compound known to man, Dbol, and you'll really have a hard time
I have read up a little about AI's. I have NEVER used anything other than what I posted. Sorry for the late reply I was busy with work being on call the past week. I have my Gear here now but Im not gonna start it until I do it right this time. Yes I believe the Test/tren caused the gyno. It has almost all but went away, however I have two tiny lumps. I will probably need surgery. Maybe someone will read this and learn from my mistakes. im not familiar with the acronym "DA" I decided to hold off the Dbol. Now, I can do my own research and learn about caber, however could I just get more nolvadex and use that? What would you guys suggest.