First Cycle. Anavar and TEST CYP


New member
Hi, just want to see experienced users thoughts on my first cycle. I have been lifting since 16yo consistantly. I'm 21 now and have decided to take this cycle.

Test Cyp-200mg 1-10wks
(Yes I know it's very low dose but I just wanted enough to get me through cause my NATTY test levels drop due to VAR)

Anavar-75mg 1-10wks

"SARM"- MK-677 20mg before Bed 1-4wks

PCT-Blackstone Labs PCTV

On Cycle Support- Blackstone Labs GEAR Support, LIV52, Blackstone Labs Eradicate.

My QUESTION, when to start PCT?? Is it 1 week after last injection?
21 is to young to cycle. I'm sure you will still do the Cycle so I will give u advice. What is your goal with this cycle. My advice is a newbie cycle just 400-500mg test c 12 weeks, save the var for a later cycle. 200mg is a waste and if you have good quality var you don't need 75mg a day 50 tops if you have good quality var. U need a ai I suggest arimidex. Now for pct you need either nolvadex or clomid or both is even better. With this post it's obvious you need to do alot more research before stating anything. What are your stats: age, weight, training experience, diet ect
Im 6'3, 226lbs, 11%bodyfat. Quick diet facts in doing is Eating 2lbs of meat a day. Getting in protein and supplying carbs with all 3 meals before my last 3 meals. The meals I don't get in carbs I add more fats. Also have carbs in my post shake.
Training is set to a tee hitting every region precisely. Training is 6 days a week. 4 days cardio.
I had listed my on cycle products and PCT. the reason for 200 mg a week is just to get levels stable due to the var dropping test in my body. I've been advised that anywhere from 50-80mg is okay for var.

21 is to young to cycle. I'm sure you will still do the Cycle so I will give u advice. What is your goal with this cycle. My advice is a newbie cycle just 400-500mg test c 12 weeks, save the var for a later cycle. 200mg is a waste and if you have good quality var you don't need 75mg a day 50 tops if you have good quality var. U need a ai I suggest arimidex. Now for pct you need either nolvadex or clomid or both is even better. With this post it's obvious you need to do alot more research before stating anything. What are your stats: age, weight, training experience, diet ect
PCT-Blackstone Labs PCTV

what is that??

pct should be nolvadex and clomiphene.
like big rich suggested, u need An AI.

test 200 mg a week???

no bro, just No!
the reason for 200 mg a week is just to get levels stable due to the var dropping test in my body

there is no "getting levels stable" ,, when you run AAS you are SHUT DOWN, period, that means your natural test production is turned off and goes to ZERO . Being you are going to be completely shut down , you might as well run a high enough dose of test to warrant the shut down; theres no point in running a dose of test that 80 year old men run just to be able to get morning wood.

so, take your time, do some research , and when your 25 think about running something more along the lines of 400-500mg of test a week.
Anavar is still c17 but of all the other orals it's is the most mild. cycles of 8 weeks are ok with no alcohol or anything else that taxes the liver in the mix.