First cycle check list


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I have been 100% dedicated to the gym and nutrition for the past 3.5 years. After much research and thinking I have decided to jump on my first cycle:

1-10 600mg Test e/week
1-4 50mg tbol/day (possibly)

PCT (weeks 13-16)

The reason I am running the test @ 600mg/week is because my vials are dosed @ 300mg/ it will be hard to draw out 500 mg/week.

I have some aromasin on hand for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but not enough to run it consistently throughout the cycle. So I am thinking of running it weeks 6-10 e3d. I understand the half life is small, so running it this way is not the best, but this is all I can do,

Should I run the tbol for 4 weeks in this cycle? Or leave it for another time?

22 years old
180lbs, 12% bf
I would the test for 12 weeks.

Leave the t-bol out. And the nolva/clomid is good enough. Forget the HCGenerate.
I would be fine with running the test for 12 weeks, but that is not an option.

My vials of test are dosed at 300mg/ will be almost impossible to accurately draw out 250mg into my 3cc syringes.

So, leave the tbol out of this cycle?
I would be fine with running the test for 12 weeks, but that is not an option.

My vials of test are dosed at 300mg/ will be almost impossible to accurately draw out 250mg into my 3cc syringes.

So, leave the tbol out of this cycle?
...pull .8 or .85 ccs -> 240-255mgs test. Very simple.
...pull .8 or .85 ccs -> 240-255mgs test. Very simple.

Bingo. Just do the math man, you can get 500mg per week. You have received good advice. Since this is your first cycle, you want to stick with just running one compound to see how your body reacts. For example, let's say you are running the test and tbol and you start getting bad acne, etc, how will you know what compound is causing it or are both of them causing it?? Secondly, test only is plenty to grow on and you will enjoy your results as long as all other factors are in check like diet, training, rest, etc. Like stated by the fellas above, trust me you want to run your test for a minimum of 12 weeks. I prefer 16 week cycles because it takes awhile for the hormone to build up and right when you are seeing noticeable changes around week 7-8, then you only have 2 weeks left. It is a mind fuck for sure. Lastly, you always want to make sure you have enough AI's on hand to battle any sides. Getting gyno is no fun. Personally, when I blast high amounts of test, I prefer arimidex over Aromasin and it is stronger. Make sure you are stocked up on your AI's before you cycle to play it safe!!!
You need to get all the right stuff and run the proper dosages really buddy or you shouldnt cycle, youre quite young and id maybe wait abit but you sound like your going too so heres my input.

you need to run the test 12 weeks to get the best you can.

just run 600mg a wk not that much difference from 500mg in the grander schemes of things, altho you'd be better lowering the dosage slightly and stretching the cycle out to 12 wks if possible, if not just run 600mg for 10wk and save yourself the time of fiddling about.

you need to get some more aromasin and run from wk 2-finish, dose it at 12.5mg eod dont mess about, run it properly. if you use an oral kick start you need to run a liver support like N2guard, forged liver, liv52 etc whilst prob leave it out for the 1st run also tho.

id stick with the pct you have and maybe add some formastanzol, hcgenerate is good stuff imo and will help you recover, this is most important part of the cycle as you want to keep what as much as you can, and recover as best as possible. Bad recovery will lead to lost gains and a more unpleasent experiance which is not what you/we or anybody wants.