First cycle complete


New member
Hey guys, I am new to the forum. I did a lot of reading and research over the past year and finally joined up a few days ago. I finished my first cycle about two months ago. This is what I did:

Test E 250mg 2x a week for 14 weeks
Dbol 40mg everyday for the first four weeks
PCT of clomid for 3 weeks 10 days after my last shot

It was a great first cycle. No issues whatsoever. I started the cycle at 5'9" 178lbs and ended at 203lbs. Of course I lost a few of those pounds a few weeks later. I am staying at the 195lb mark now.

So I am already making plans for my next cycle. Here is what I am looking at doing in 6 weeks:

Test E 250mg 2x week for 14 weeks
Deca 250mg once a week for 12 weeks
Anadrol 40mg each day for first 4 weeks
Then HCG 500-1000ieu every day from last shot till PCT
Clomid 50mg each day for PCT
Also gonna run Adex .50mg every other day through cycle

Gonna watch my diet more throughout this cycle. I slipped up a little bit in the first cycle and picked up 2-3% body fat and gonna make sure that doesn't happen this next time.

Thanks guys
Great for someone like me who hasn't cycled to read that someone had a clean cycle with zero issues. AND you only lost 8 lbs after? Thats pretty good. HCG must have helped.
ummm you say your doing your new cycle in 6 weeks? Isnt the general rule to wait a total of number of weeks of your whole cycle plus a few more weeks, before you jump into a new one. I think you should wait a bit longer then 6 weeks.
ummm you say your doing your new cycle in 6 weeks? Isnt the general rule to wait a total of number of weeks of your whole cycle plus a few more weeks, before you jump into a new one. I think you should wait a bit longer then 6 weeks.

I think he said he finished 2 months ago and is going "again" in 6 weeks. So 3.5 months between.
Great for someone like me who hasn't cycled to read that someone had a clean cycle with zero issues. AND you only lost 8 lbs after? Thats pretty good. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) must have helped.
no I did not take the HCG. The first cycle was pretty mild so I didn't think I needed to. I will definitely be taking it for the next one. And yeah I was pretty surprised about only dropping the 8 pounds. But I was aware of the potential loss of size so I made sure I kept my protein count high and still trained hard. I am going to drop the extra 1-2% body fat that I picked up. Don't want to go into the next cycle with it. I will gain enough with the deca and test. I did make one change. I will be taking 600mg of test e and 300mg of deca each week for the next cycle. I bumped it up just a little.