first cycle critique needed


New member
Hi guys, first post.
learned a lot on this website. decided to run a cycle in a few months and want to get some more feedback before I start injecting.

160lb, 15% BF (measured with caliper), 25 years old, been training for 5 years.

week 1-12:
Test-e 400mg EW

week 3-12:
Arimidex 0.25 ED

Week 14-16

week 17:
clomid 100mg ED

week 18-19
Clomid 50mg ED

I also have Dianabol at hand but I would like to run a test only cycle first. I am not sure if the adex and clomid is too much for this relatively small amount of test. I could take 500mg instead of 400mg also.
is the pct sufficient?

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Clomid and nolva are for pct.

Your ai usage starts week 1 and continues until 3 days before pct. I'd go with 500mg test and keep your ai dosage as it is
Thanks for the advice. the reason I was going to hold on to the adex was that I was told test e takes a couple of weeks to build up in the system, since I decided to hold off the dbol, I thought it may be unwise to jump on the AI day 1 right after first shot.

this idea was further reinforced by so many people telling me "only test e 400mg is a mild cycle, you dont need the ai, only keep it on hand if you get sore nipples and have estrogen related side effects"

oh, are you positive I need to up to 500mg? because I only have 2 10ml vials, if I wanna run 12 weeks at 500mg a week I need to get myself another one.